Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Canh Banh Da: 5-színű rizstésztaleves Észak-Au Lacból (Vietnám) (Au Laci nyelven)      
Red noodles (dry)
200 grams soy beans
300 grams tomatoes
Spring onions
Lime or lemon
Red chili pepper
Kohlrabi, carrot, jicama
Soup stock seasoning
Seasoning powder
Vegetarian fish sauce
Annatto oil
Cooking oil

  1. Soak 200 grams of soy beans in water at a temperature of 25-30o for 3-4 hours.
  2. Shelled the soy skin and then put them into the blender.
  3. After blending, filter it with 2 liters of water. Wear hand gloves for hygiene when filtering.
  4. Use plain woven fabric to filter the blended soy beans.
  5. When finish with the 2 liters of water, just stop and discard what’s left. Set aside the soy milk.
  6. To make the “crab,” prepare the tamarind water which is going to be cook with the soy milk, just add water and to fresh tamarind or dried tamarind and then boil it. Stop when the tamarind has separated.
  7. Filter the cooked tamarind and set it aside.
  8. Cut and dice finely some onions and then fry them until golden. This will be added it to the soup later.
  9. Cut the tomatoes and saute them until they are tender. Add a little soup into it so it will be well-done.
  10. After tomatoes are cooked well, add in the annatto oil to give it color. Set it aside.
  11. Boil the soy milk, and when it boils, add in slowly the filtered tamarind water. If the tamarind water is too little, the “crab” will not form and float up, but if the tamarind water is too much, the “crab” will be coarse. Wait until the “crab” is floating, mix slowly, and then add in the fried onion and the cooked tomatoes into it. Add in the vegetarian fish sauce. Add in some other seasoning so it will taste as liking.
  12. Prepare the water to rinse the noodles and some other seasoning. First, rinse the noodles and let it drain by spreading them in a pan until they are dry.
  13. Now prepare the broth to cook the noodle, use kohlrabi, carrots, jicama or pumpkin. Just cut them into little bigger pieces, simmer it with a moderate amount of water over medium heat. Do not simmer on high heat, because the water will become murky and it will not be taste good. Stir the broth continuously to keep it from burning. After simmering it, season it to out liking.
  14. After season it to taste, dip the noodle into it, so the noodles will absorb the flavor and it will be delicious.
  15. Just steep the noodles for a bit until they become soft, do not leave them in too long because the strands of the noodles won’t be al dente and will not taste as good.
  16. Put the noodles into a bowl. Put some finely slices of spring onion and a few slices of fresh tomatoes and some coriander leaves.
  17. Pour the “crab” soup onto the noodles. Scoop it gently so that the remaining “crab” won’t be break apart.
  18. The soup is ready to be served.

File NO: 935
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