Vegetáriánizmus - Egy nemes életmód
Bámulatos angolai ibale (tökmag golyók) és más hagyományos ételek (portugál nyelven)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Ibale (Pumpkin Seed Balls)
Pumpkin seeds, ground

Fungi (Cornmeal Paste)

Palm oil

Muamba (Peanut Sauce Collard Greens)
Peanuts, toasted and ground
Olive oil (or canola or palm oil)
Collard greens

Ibale (Pumpkin Seed Balls)
  1. Peel the pumpkin seed one by one, and put the seed in a mortar, and pound it until it becomes a paste.
  2. Take the pumpkin paste and roll it, make it into small balls.
  3. Meanwhile boil some water in a pot for about 15 minutes, when it is completely hot and boiling, add in the balls.
  4. Boil the balls for about 20 – 40 minutes. If using a pressure cooker, it will only take about 20 minutes.
  5. After it boils about 30 minutes, prepare the sauce, a stew with tomatoes, onion.
  6. Use the remaining water left from the boiling to be added to the stew.
  7. Add in the balls into the stew. Let it cooked for a while.
  8. Take the balls out, and place it on a dish.
Fungi (Cornmeal Paste)
  1. Boil some water in a pot.
  2. After the water hot, get some corn flour, put some in a container with water and thicken it.
  3. Add in the flour starch into the hot water, and keep stirring until it has a consistency.
  4. Put the mixture on the dish.
  1. Boil some water.
  2. Add in palm oil, tomatoes, and onion.
  3. Add in the beans and keep cooking until the beans are tender.
  4. When it is soft and tender, put in on the dish.
Muamba (Peanut Sauce Collard Greens)
  1. To make the muamba, roast the peanuts, grind them in a blender by adding a bit of water.
  2. Boil the collard green in some water or just steam it.
  3. Take the collard green out and put it in a dish.
  4. Pre-heat the pot again, add in some tomatoes, onion, garlic, and a small pinch of salt.
  5. Add in a bit of olive or canola oil.
  6. Add in the muamba (peanut sauce).
  7. Let it cooked for a while.
  8. Put it on the dish.

File NO: 1719
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