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Conférence 2009 "Sauvons notre Terre" - partie 1 / 9 ~ 26 avril 2009 Séoul, Corée du Sud    1ère partie
1ère partie Play with windows media ( 144 MB )
2ème partie Play with windows media ( 96 MB )
3ème partie Play with windows media ( 119 MB )
4ème partie Play with windows media ( 105 MB )
5ème partie Play with windows media ( 123 MB )
6ème partie Play with windows media ( 119 MB )
7ème partie Play with windows media ( 120 MB )
8ème partie Play with windows media ( 116 MB )
9ème partie Play with windows media ( 105 MB )

On April 26,2009 the『Save Our Earth Conference 2009』was held in Seoul,South Korea and broadcast live on Supreme Master Television.

This timely and informative event was organized by Mr. Chung Sung-Hyun,the president of Chungnyunsa Publishing Company. Chungnyunsa Publishing Company recently published the Korean edition of the #1 international bestselling book,『The Birds in My Life』written by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The Korean edition also became an instant bestseller in Korea’s largest bookstore chain,Kyobo Bookstore.

Over 1700 people attended the conference to find out more information about how to save our planet in this critical time of climate change. Attendees included concerned citizens,government officials,scientists,journalists,spiritual practitioners,artists,writers,and dignitaries such as Congressmen Lee Seok-Hyun and Kang Chang-Il; Mr. Jung Soon-Gap,executive director of World Meteorological Organization (WMO),which is a UN non-profit organization; Dr. Michael Bascombe,an animal telepathic communicator from Australia; Mr. Kim Young-Gyu,commissioner of Gangwon Province Military Manpower Administration and former Brigadier General of the Korean Army; Mr. Yoon Gi-Hyun,
a renowned children’s author and lecturer; Professor Choi Haeng-Sik,vice chairman of Korean Law Association and chairman of Global Warming Emergency Measures Committee; Mr. Na Young-Cheol,president of Ecology TV and director of Korea Mass Media Club; Dada Cittarainjanananda,author and meditation teacher; Song Man-Gyu,a famous painter renowned for his work of the Seomjin River;
and Mr.Hwang Ho-Joon composer.

Supreme Master Ching Hai also accepted the invitation to attend the『Save Our Earth Conference 2009』via videoconference as Guest of Honor to share her insight and perspectives on the critical issue of climate change and the most effective solution – an animal-free diet.

We now invite you to join us for the 9-part rebroadcast of the『Save Our Earth Conference 2009』held on April 26,2009 in Seoul,South Korea.

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