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La cause et la solution pour tous les désastres   
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Le Dr. James Hansen, un climatologue éminent
Directeur de l'institut Goddard pour les études de l'espace (GISS) de la NASA

DR. JAMES HANSEN (M): Le réchauffement global augmente l'intensité des deux extrêmes des cycles hydrologiques, le cycle de l'eau. Alors, au moments et aux endroits qui sont secs, un effet de serre plus grand signifie des températures élevées et des sécheresses plus extrêmes et par conséquent, plus de feux de forêt, plus étendus

But, on the other hand as the atmosphere gets warmer, it holds more water vapor. At a very strong rate, the amount increases with temperature, and therefore when it does rain, there’s a possibility of much heavier rains. We get some much stronger rainfalls and therefore heavier floods. The frequency with which these happen and the severity of them is definitely affected by global warming.

Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
The Heart-Touch Tour of the Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Eden on Earth Arts Gallery ExhibitionJuly 5, 2008 – Formosa (Taiwan)

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Be vegetarian and helping each other, that’s all we need to do. And the planet’s disasters will cease to exist and cease to zero. All the disasters, including natural disasters, are man-made. Man-made in a sense that it is produced out of the negative energy that we have generated for centuries or millions of years. “As we sow, so shall we reap.” If you do some bad thing, the bad consequence will return to us sooner or later.

Very simple. Be a vegetarian. Be loving and kind. Be forgiving. And if possible at all, be a bearer of light. Meaning, be enlightened. That should be absolutely enough to safeguard your life on Earth and to safeguard a place in Heaven.

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