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DES GENS BIENS, DE BONNES OEUVRES La vision du Révérend Will Bowen d’un monde où personne ne se plaint – partie 1 / 2    1ère partie
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HOST: Could a world free of complaints ever exist?
Just imagine… Welcome, lighthearted viewers, to another edition of Good People, Good Works. Today we profile “A Complaint Free World,” a US-based non-profit organization with the mission to encourage all of us to end the habit of complaining as it results in a far healthier and happier life.

A Complaint Free World was founded by Will Bowen, Lead Minister of One Community Spiritual Center in Kansas City, Missouri, USA. The story of A Complaint Free World has been featured on hundreds of US radio and television programs as well as in newspapers across the world.

The reverend has written two books – “A Complaint Free World” and “Complaint Free Relationships: How to Positively Transform Your Personal, Work, and Love Relationships.” In December 2009, he launched his film “A Complaint Free Revolution” which features inspiring stories of people from across the USA and Canada who have transformed their lives, relationships and businesses by simply ending their habit of complaining.

Minister Will Bowen (m): One of the most common questions I am asked is, “What is a complaint?” Well The dictionary defines “complain” as “to express grief, pain or discontent.”

Now we’re expressing our complaints, we speak them aloud and you would think that we would be aware of them. The thing is that most people complain, 15 to 30 times a day and have absolutely no awareness that they are doing it. The complaints are coming out of their mouths; you would think that they would hear them,
but they don’t.

I like to say complaining is like bad breath, you notice it when it comes out of somebody else’s mouth, but not so much when it comes out of your own.

HOST: What inspired Reverend Will Bowen to help others become complaint free?

For more details on A Complaint Free World, please visit
Books and other media by Reverend Bowen are available at

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