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UN MODE DE VIE SAIN Chef Paul Nison - Guérir avec l’alimentation crue   
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Hallo, gentle viewers, and welcome to another edition of Healthy Living, where we meet Paul Nison, a raw food chef from the United States. He is the author of the best-selling book “The Raw Life: Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World” Through his own experience Mr. Nison found that many so-called “incurable” diseases
can be healed by following a vegan raw food diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Raw foods are formally defined as foods that are uncooked or cooked at temperatures below 49 degrees Celsius.
Paul Nison’s exploration of raw foods began at age 20 when he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease.In our interview Mr. Nison will share his knowledge about the links between health and diet.

For more about Paul Nison or "The Raw Life Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World" please visit

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