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Rapprocher les animaux et les êtres humains : Ineke Brinkmann communique par télépathie avec les animaux (en néerlandais)   
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Happy viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.

How fascinating it would be if we could understand what animals are trying to tell us, if we could share to a greater degree their high spirits and joy!

Today’s show features Ineke Brinkmann, a former teacher at the Center for Intuitive Development in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

She is a psychic reader and healer, breath and relaxation therapist and telepathic animal communicator from Starnmeer, the Netherlands, who helps humans and animals interact by translating our fellow beings’ thoughts, feelings and needs into human language.

Ms. Brinkmann also holds classes and workshops on telepathic animal communication.Ineke Brinkmann: People always think to be a (telepathic) animal communicator you need to have paranormal or psychic ability or be very special, but it’s not like that at all.

You are born with it; it’s the language of your heart, it’s your mother tongue. And everyone can learn it and everybody who opens himself to animals can do it himself.

It’s only a matter of knowing which techniques you can apply and how to open yourself better.

HOST: When do caregivers come to Ineke Brinkmann for help?

Ineke Brinkmann: So actually, people come to you when they don’t understand their animal anymore. It just could be that the animal starts to do something on a given day.

Then they start to think, “Well, this worries me a lot.”People always think that they have to be special but it is just very simple.

I just translate everything that an animal tells me.
Just like when a Chinese person comes here to the Netherlands and he doesn't speak the language, so he needs a translator. And if animals want to say something to the caregiver, that’s where I work.

HOST: In some cases we misunderstand our animal friends because we do not recognize their needs.
Sometimes the solution is as simple as briefly explaining to our companions what’s going on. Ms. Brinkmann next presents the story of a Doberman who faithfully protected his caregiver’s home, but then one day began to bite visitors for no apparent reason.

Ineke Brinkmann: I made contact with the animal and asked him, “What’s going on?” And it turned out that those people were continuously renovating.

There were all these strange people on the property. But at the same time he saw his female caregiver become very nervous.

And the dog notices that, he thinks, “I’m here for guarding.” And nobody tells those dogs anything, that it’s normal there are a bunch of strange people on the property suddenly.

So the dog starts to bite, because his female caregiver was so nervous and he had to defend her.
The sad thing is when such an animal does this they say he is trained that way, he shouldn’t bite.
That’s very sad because such an animal really tries his best.

For more about
Ineke Brinkmann, please visit

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