Astuces quotidiennes
some automobile efficiency tips
Tip to relax a little more - Be organized. Make a daily, weekly or monthly schedule
Did you know that owning a pet is good for your health?
tip to improves the environment and saves trees
Get a rainwater storage tank
tip to reduce waste - Reuse, reuse and reuse whatever you can
use draft excluders to save energy
Instead of buying bottled water, use a water filter instead.
For people who travel with their pets - tag your dog or other animal companions
Try replacing cut flowers with potted versions
consider replacing incandescent light bulbs with the more energy efficient and longer lasting compact fluorescent bulbs
tip about preventing osteoporosis
friendly planet tip - buy organic fruits and veggies
shower tips save water and electricity - install low-flow showerheads and faucets
pet friendly tip for hamsters - Choose a good cage