Délicieuses tartelettes crues au chocolat 100% végétaliennes      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
3 cups raw un-soaked almonds
25 dates (or 12 medjool dates)
Agave nectar

1¼ avocados
½ cup cacao powder
¼ cup cacao nibs (or ¾ cups cacao powder)
6 dates (or 3 medjool dates)
½ cup dried coconut (or ½ cup fresh young coconut meat)

  1. For the base of the tartlets, take the almond and grind them up until they resemble coarse breadcrumbs, then pour them out into a separate bowl.
  2. Take the dates, and grind them as well.
  3. Mix the almond and the dates. It’s better using hand gloves because the mixture will be sticky.
  4. If the mixture don’t stick together lightly, add a squeeze of agave and a few drops of water to achieve the right consistency.
  5. Transfer the base mixture into the muffin cups or old plastic bags which are cup about the same size as a muffin cups.
  6. Press the cup/plastic into the muffin tin, push the mixture in and press it to the sides, so it forms like a little base for the tartlets.
  7. To make the tart filling, scoop out the avocado and put it into the blender.
  8. Add in 1¼ cups of agave nectar, ½ of cup of coconut, ½ of raw cacao powder, ¼ cup cacao nibs, and 3 medjool dates or 6 normal dates.
  9. Blend them all together.
  10. Take out a big spoonful of the filling and put it into each of the little cups.
  11. Ready to be served.

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