“Lar Vegetariano, Vegan” Presents: Soy Ricotta and Leek Lasagna with Soyberry Shake (In Portuguese)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Soy Ricotta and Leek Lasagna
herbed tomato sauce
Lasagna pasta sheets (or thinly sliced eggplant or zucchini)
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt
Optional variations:
add olives, broccoli, mushrooms, basil, etc.
Soyberry Shake
Soy milk
Condensed soy milk
Frozen strawberries
Kiwi fruit

Soy Ricotta and Leek Lasagna:

  1. Spread the pre-made sauce on the baking pan.
  2. Apply the lasagna sheets. Break it a little so it can fit in.
  3. For filling: Take out the water from the tofu, mash the tofu, and then mixed it well with chopped leeks, sea salt and 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. This is called the soy ricotta.
  4. Spread the filling on the lasagna sheets. The first layer is finished.
  5. Spread the sauce on the lasagna.
  6. Put a few of lasagna sheets on the sauce.
  7. Spread the filling on the lasagna sheets. The second layer is finished.
  8. Repeat step 6-8 for the third layer.
  9. Put the rest of soy ricotta on the top layer of the dish.
  10. Wrap it with the aluminum foil.
  11. Put in the oven, and let it baked for about 30-40 minutes.
  12. When it reaches around 30 minutes, it is better to take a look to see how it looks. If it is ready, then take it out.

Soyberry Shake:

  1. Put the strawberry, the soy milk, and the organic crystal sugar into a blender and blend them all.
  2. Decorate the cup with condensed soy milk.
  3. Pour in the blended strawberry into the cup.
  4. Decorate with kiwi and grape.
  5. Ready to be served.

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