Swirl of Perfection Creamy Coconut Chocolate Roll (In Hungarian)      
Coffee Chocolate Dough:
250 grams sweet biscuit powder
10 grams castor sugar
10 grams cocoa powder
1 teaspoon non-alcoholic rum flavoring
1 large pinch salt
2 deciliters coffee
Vanilla Coconut Cream:
100 grams vegetable margarine
30 grams castor sugar
30 grams coconut flakes
10 grams vanilla sugar

preparing dough>
1. Add and mix Biscuit powder, castor sugar, cocoa powder, salt, rum flavor, coffee together.
2. Knead it thoroughly until it's well combined.
3. Set aside and prepare the filling.

cream filling>
4. Whip the veg margarine in a bowl. Try to whip it as fluffy as possible.
5. While whipping, add castor sugar, vanilla sugar, coconut flakes.

6. Place a plastic wrap(approx.35cm long) to roll the dough on it - We will roll the dough with it.
7. Roll the dough. around 0.5cm thick. (same thickness of cream)
8. Put on the cream, try to spread it evenly.
9. Fold the end of the dough, and start roll the plastic wrap from there.
10. Put the whole thing in the fridge for 2 hours.


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