Lunar New Year for All Earthlings: Double 10 Perfect Herbal Reunion Hot Pot (In Chinese)      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
7 grams dong guai
3.75 grams rehmannia
22.5 grams white peony roots
10.5 grams chuanxiong
18.75 grams ginseng
7 grams poria
7 grams licorice
7 grams atractylodes
18.75 grams astragulus root
7 grams cinnamon
15 grams salt (or to taste)

  1. The use of ceramic pot is better for this recipe.
  2. Fill the pot up to 80% full with about 6 liter of water. Boil the water.
  3. When the water boiled, add in the first Four Herbs, which are: the dong guai, the rehmannia, the white peony roots, and the chuanxiong.
  4. Add in the Four Gentlement herbs, which are: the ginseng, the poria, the licorice, and the atractylodes.
  5. Add in the last two herbs, which are: the cinnamon and the astragulus root.
  6. Let it simmer for about 45-60 minutes, but no more than 60 minutes.
  7. After about 50 minutes, the color of the soup should be dark brown.
  8. Scoop out the herbs.
  9. Add some salt to taste.
  10. Pour the herbal stock into the casserole pot to make the Perfect Reunion Hot Pot.
  11. Add in 10 fresh organic vegetables as preference, for instance: carrot, turnips, cabbage, chrysanthemum greens, bok choy, corn, golden pumpkin, tofu, mushroom, and celery.
  12. Let it cook for a while.
  13. Ready to be served.

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