Rich Gold Carrot Spread and Black Bean Chili by Alice Leonard of Angel Food (In English)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

Rich Gold Carrot Spread
400 grams carrots, peeled and thick sliced
2 tablespoons tomato paste
½ teaspoon ground cumin seed
1 teaspoon sugar or other sweetener
Large pinch of salt

Black Bean Chili
1 can (400 grams) black beans, drained
1 tablespoon cumin seed (or ground cumin)
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon fresh chili or chili paste
1 can (400 grams) crushed or chopped or whole tomatoes
Salt to taste
1 bunch coriander (optional)

To creat these vegan meringue treats and for a taste of Angel Food, Alice Leonard's creations of delectable vegan marshmallows and vegan cheese, please browse to:
Salt to taste
1 bunch coriander (optional)

Directions (to make Rich Gold Carrot Spread):
1. Steam the carrots for 10 minutes
2. Put the steamed carrots into food processor, add all ingredients
3. Switch on the food processor, manage to have them mixed well

Directions (to make Black Bean Chili):
1. Toast the cumin, paprika and oregano in a pot for a minute until the fragrance comes out
2. Add the black bean, tomato and chili, mix well and simmer for 30 minutes

Use them as a dip or fillings for pita bread.

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