Shimmeringh Spring Onion Candy: A Formosan(Taiwanese)Traditional Treat (In Chinese)      

Spring Onion Candy:

3 kg sugar cane
1 liter water

Spring Onion Candy Roll:
spring onion candy
spring roll wrapper
peanut powder
sesame powder

Directions (to make spring onion candy):
  1. Take 3 kg of cane sugar and boil it with 1 liter of water about 10 minutes
  2. After it's cooked, then take it outside to cool
  3. Put it on the water then spin it about 5 minutes (the reason we spin it, is so there’s more surface area and it will cool faster)
  4. So slowly it will begin to congeal
  5. After it’s cooled, then we start to stretch it
  6. It’s changing. The color starts to change to amber color
  7. Stretch it until become whiter and whiter
  8. Repeatedly pulling for about 10 minutes
  9. Cut the sugar candies become strips
  10. Sprinkle peanut powder on top
  11. Ready to serve

Directions (to make spring onion candy roll):
  1. Take a sheet of spring roll wrapper
  2. Put spring onion candy on it
  3. Put one spoon of peanut candy
  4. Put half a spoon of sesame powder
  5. Sprinkle a little bit of cilantro
  6. Wrap it up (roll it)
  7. Cut it on the middle
  8. Ready to serve

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