Raw Coconut Delight & Chilean Fruity Canary Seed Milk (In Spanish)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Coconut Delight:
100 grams almonds
100 grams walnuts
100 grams figs
Shredded coconut
Canary Seed Milk:
½ cup canary seeds
500 milliliters water
Strawberries for flavor and garnish

Directions (to make raw coconut delight ):

  1. Soak the ingredients for better handling (they are soaked in order to remove the skin, soak with warm water it seems much easier to peel them)
  2. Peeling the skin of the almond and walnut
  3. Soak the canary seeds a little in order to make our milk later then set it aside
  4. Mix them
  5. Grind them
  6. After the figs have been very well washed, chop them very fine
  7. The raisins, peanuts can be chopped with the figs too (any kind of nut can be incorporated into the recipe)
  8. Mix the grinded the almond and walnut with chopped figs (you can blend them)
  9. Form it use your hands, make them a little round
  10. Cover them with the coconut
  11. Put them on the plate
  12. Ready to serve

Directions (to make chilean fruity canary seed milk):

  1. After soaked a bit the canary seeds they have swelled a bit because they absorbed a little water obviously
  2. So with this same bit of water, we are going to put them in the blender with a little more water
  3. Blend them
  4. Using a colander take off the skin
  5. Pour it into the glass
  6. Chop a little bit of strawberries
  7. Put them itu the glass
  8. Ready to serve
Directions (to make canary sprouts):

  1. Put the canary seeds in the water
  2. Change the water of our sprouts every day
  3. In 2 or 3 days they must be about 2 centimeters

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