Cuisines écolo avec le Chef crudivore et auteur Bryan Au : Manicotti d’aubergine et sushi de fruits      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Raw Eggplant Manicotti
1 thin ripe, semi firm eggplant (not round)
5–6 tablespoons olive oil
Homemade tomato sauce
1 tomato
5 pieces of sun-dried tomato (optional)
1 red bell pepper
2–3 olives
2–3 tablespoons of
Miso Master Chickpea
Kelp cayenne pepper
Sea salt
Basil or parsley for garnish

Fruit Sushi
Green apple
“Pickled Ginger”
Green apple, sliced thinly
Strawberries, crushed


Raw Eggplant Manicotti>

1. Cut off the ends of organic eggplant with kitchen knife.
2. Make thin slices of eggplant with peeler.
3. Put that slice of eggplant on a plate and pour a little bit of olive oil on top or both sides of it and then smoothen olive oil.
4. Prepare a tomato sauce: Blend sun-dried tomato, tomatoes, olive oil, and a little bit of miso in a blender
5. Put the tomato sauce which you made in the eggplant and then roll it up.
optional tip: You can add your favorite spices, herbs, sauces and olive oil on top of rolled eggplant)

Fruit Sushi>

1. Peel some mange and slices them with peeler for outside of fruit sushi.
2. Cut some bananas the same size as mango slices, which become the middle inside of the fruit sushi instead of the rice.
3. Prepare two different kinds of sushi roll.

* Banana & Mango
1) Put banana slice in the mango and roll it up.
2) Cut it in the middle of the wrapped banana in the mango slice.
3) Put it on a plate beautifully

* Banana, Apple & Strawberry
1) Cut a green apple thin and rectangularly. It will look like cucumber.
2) Cut a banana as same size as the former sushi you made.
3) Cut a strawberry into quarters and then put it and apple slice in banana slice.
Or put strawberry andappleslices on the top of the banana.
The strawberry will look like the raw fish.
4) Cut the mango like the other one and then wrap the fruits which you made in third step
with it

4. Make a ginger with apple and strawberry: Slice the apples very thin and then crush strawberries on them. They will look pink and like the ginger.
5. Put fruits sushi rolls with ginger on a plate.

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