Des brownies végétaliens à l'amasake et au chocolat (en anglais)      
1½ cups whole wheat pastry flour
1½ teaspoon baking powder
½ cup grain coffee
½ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup oil (neutral flavor such as deodorized sunflower oil)
½ cup rice syrup
1½ teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 jar (1¼ cups, about 380 grams) amasake
½ cup raisins
½ cup walnuts
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Soy milk or water (optional)
15 x 20 centimeters baking dish

1. Prepare baking dish(15*20cm), add a little drop of oil in there and spread it out evenly so the brownie doesn't stick afterwards.
2. Lay a pre-cut sheet of baking paper so the bownie comes out easier.
3. Prepare a bowl for the dry ingredients. Sift everything together so it aerate and mix well. Flour, Baking Powder, Grained coffee, Cocoa Powder.
4. Mix 3. by stirring it.
5. Another bowl for the wet ingredients.
6. Put neutral oil, rice sirup, vinegar, 1/4 tsp salt, amasake 1 jar(1and 1/2 cup) in the bowl and mix well so the oil doesnt float around.
7. Pre heat oven 170-180c (335-350F)
8. Add 6. into 4. Mix well, also use rubber spatula for the bottom. Don't overmix to prevent too much gluten.
9. Add the raisins.
10. Cut the walnuts roughly, just a littlebit and add them, too. (Better when you toast them little bit beforehand, about 5mins on 150c or 300F)
11. Pour everything into the baking dish.
12. Spread it out to the sides a littlebit, make sure the thickness is about 4cm or 1and1/2inch).
13. Put it into oven, bake for 27-28mins
14. Put it out from the baking dish and cool it for a while.
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