Aulacese Mì Quảng (Quảng Noodles)      

  • 1 pack of noodle for 5 people.
Soup base
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Lemongrass
  • Onion
  • Veggie Chicken
  • Veggie Ham
  • Dry Bean curd sheets
  • Fried Tofu
  • Mushroom
  • Spring Onions
Mixed Salad
  • Purple Cabbage
  • Water Spinach
  • Coriander
  • Lettuce
  • Other herbs to your liking
Other ingredients
  • Vegetarian seasoning powder
  • Tumeric powder
  • Cooking oil
  • Chili
  • Tomatoes
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Rice papers
  • Roasted crushed peanuts

This is a specialty from Quảng, the central province of Aulac. Plenty of lemongrass in the topping emits the fragrance. Tumeric powder colors the noodles. Roasted crushed peanuts and toasted rice paper give special taste to this rich delicious noodle soup.

Cooking Instructions

Aulacese Quang noodle is cooked with soup base, the topping and the noodle. It is served with fresh vegetables, roasted crushed peanuts and toasted rice paper.

Soup base

(1) Cut a whole cabbage into 4 and add it to water. Add sliced carrot, smashed lemongrass and onions to the water. Heat the water to boil and simmer it for about 1 hour.
Take out all the cooked vegetables, add salt and sugar, tumeric , some chili, some onion, and finally add a teaspoon cooking oil and onion to make it tasty and rich. The broth is ready.


(3) Mix the cut veggie chicken, veggie ham, dry beancurd sheets, and fried tofu. Add chopped lemongrass, salt, pepper, seasoning powder, and sugar. Let it marinate for 20 minutes.
(4) Heat the pan and add 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil; add the lemongrass and stir it until it turns yellow. Take out two tablespoons of oil for adding to the cooked noodle later.
(5) Add some tumeric powder to the oil and cook for 5 minutes until the ingredients are turning a golden color. Add some tomatoes; add some broth. Cook for a while until the tomatoes are cooked and absorb the flavor. Add some spring onions to please the eyes.


(7) Boil the water and add the noodles, add two teaspoons of tumeric powder to get the yellow color; add 1 tablespoon of cooking oil to prevent the sticking of noodle. Boil it for 10 – 15 minutes until the noodles are soft.
(8) Rinse the cooked noodle with cold water. Add the two teaspoons of fried lemongrass oil, which was took out earlier, to the noodle to make it tasty and shiny.


(9) Put some noodles into a big bowl, add the topping on top and add just enough broth to cover the noodle.
(10) Add roasted peanuts, onion and coriander on top. Add the toasted rice paper around the noodle and it is ready for serving.

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