Tofu croustillant avec pousses de haricots mungo      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Serves 4–6
500 grams fried tofu
250 grams mung bean sprouts
LSA (ground linseed, sesame, and almond)
3 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons oil
¼ cup vegan oyster sauce or mushroom sauce
3–4 tablespoons soy sauce

1. Heat up the wok
2. Add the oil (wait until it nice and hot)
3. Place all garlic (switch it around let that cook for maybe up to a minute; it starts getting a little bit golden)
4. Switch it around so it doesn’t stick
5. Add the tofu
6. Give it a good toss around in the garlic
7. Reduce the heat just slightly to a medium high heat
8. Add the vegetarian oyster sauce (you can change it by adding more soy to more vegetarian oyster sauce, it depends on how tasty you like the dish, how much salt)
9. Put in half of the soy [sauce]
10. Mixing it around to ensure that all the sauce coats all the tofu very well
11. Add the LSA
12. Add in the mung bean [sprouts]
13. Add some water if you like it a wee bit saucey
14. Let the water simmer
15. Put it on a low heat for maybe 1 or 2 minutes
16. Keep tossing it around
17. Add about ½ cup of water to give a nice saucy texture
18. Crank it back up to a medium heat
19. Add about 2½ tablespoons soy [sauce]
20. Once you got sizzling sound it’s ready to serve
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