Curry thaï végétalien accompagné de tofu et d’aubergines (en thaï)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
1 block tofu
1 tablespoon red curry paste
300 grams coconut cream
1 cup sweet basil leaves
6 Thai round eggplants
1 cup chopped red and yellow bell peppers
4 kaffir lime leaves
2 teaspoons vegetarian soup powder
2 teaspoons sugar
1 spoon soy sauce
1 spoon vegetable oil

1. Heat oil in a pan, then put the curry paste and a spoon coconut cream
2. Continue to add coconut cream spoon by spoon until the mixture boils
3. Add the tofu, stir
4. Add mushroom, stir
5. Add soup powder, sugar and soy sauce, stir
6. Pour into another pan which has the rest of coconut cream in
7. Cover the pan, let it boils for a while
8. Add the eggplants, cover the pan for a while
9. Put lime leaves on top, add the bell peppers, cover the lid for a while
10. Add basil leaves, cover the lid then turn off the stove

Prepare a plate of warm rice, add the curry and enjoy..

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