Préparer de jolis petits gâteaux avec les enfants ! Parfum noix de coco, Lamington, et chocolat – partie 1 / 2    1ère partie   
1ère partie
2ème partie
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Coconut Cupcakes
1 cup organic white flour
½ cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup coconut milk
¼ teaspoon salt
Juice of half a lime right at the end
Cupcake papers

Lamington Cupcakes
1 cup organic white flour
½ cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
¾ cup soy milk (extra calcium)
¼ cup canola oil
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
Cupcake papers

Chocolate Cupcakes
1 cup organic white flour
½ cup organic sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
½ cup cocoa
½ - ¾ cup soy milk (extra calcium)
¼ cup canola oil
Cupcake papers

Coconut Icing
1 cup pure icing sugar
1 tablespoon coconut milk
Lime juice, until good consistency (a)
Decorate with desiccated coconut

Chocolate Icing
1 cup pure icing sugar
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 tablespoons cocoa powder or beet root juice
Water, 1 tablespoon at a time until good consistency (b)

Pink Icing
1 cup pure icing sugar
1 tablespoon canola oil
Beet root juice
Water, 1 tablespoon at a time until good consistency (c)
Decorate with coconut or your favorite nuts and fruits

Directions (applies to all kinds of cupcakes):
1. place a sifter on top of a bowl
2. put flour, sugar, salt, baking powder into the sifter
3. add other necessary dry ingredient (e.g. cocoa powder)
4. use wooden spoon to sift all the ingredients through the sifter while shaking it
5. then:
- for Coconut Cupcake: add coconut milk and squeeze the lime into the bowl
- for Lamington Cupcake: add soy milk and canola oil
- for Chocolate Cupcake: add soy milk and canola oil
6. mix well
7. take some batter with spoon to half fill the cupcake paper
8. bake in the oven for 15 minutes, halfway turn the tray around to ensure it would be baked evenly

Directions (to make Icing):
1. place a sifter on top of a bowl
2. put icing sugar into the sifter
3. shake the sifter and or use wooden spoon to sift it through the sifter
4. then:
- for Coconut Icing: add coconut milk and squeeze the lime (a)
- for Chocolate Icing: add chocolate powder, canola oil and water (b)
- for Pink Icing: add canola oil, beet root juice and water (c)
5. mix well
6. take the cupcake and dip the top part into the icing, one by one
7. before the icing dries up, you may dip into another dry topping like desiccated coconut
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