Nassim Haramein : Nous sommes le centre de la création – partie 2 / 2    1ère partie3ème partie4ème partie5ème partie6ème partie7ème partie8ème partie9ème partie10ème partie11ème partie12ème partie13ème partie14ème partie15ème partie
2ème partie

Halo esteemed viewers and welcome to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Today in Part 2 of our program, we present more excerpts from our interview with pioneering physicist Mr. Nassim Haramein. 

Albert Einstein’s unified field theory sought to unify the forces of electromagnetism and gravity,however Einstein was unableto complete the theory during his lifetime. Mr. Haramein has pursued this theory and laid the foundation for its completion. His solutions to Einstein’s Field Equations,which describe the properties of a gravitational field surrounding a given mass,incorporate  the concepts of torque,or spin, and the Coriolis effect, the sideways deflectionof an object moving across the surface of a rotating body causedby the body’s rotation, to produce his Unified Field Theory. 

In 2003, he founded the non-profit organization, The Resonance Project Foundationin Hawaii, USA which is 『dedicated to the unification of all sciences and philosophies emerging from a complete and applied view of the physics underlying the wheelworks of nature.』Supreme Master Television recentlyhad the honor to speak with Mr. Haramein about the Unified Field Theory.

Today we’ll discuss a wide range of subjects with Mr. Haramein, from space travel tothe relationship between geometry and spirituality.