Supreme Master Ching Hai’s concern for humans’ spiritual progress.-17 Jun 2008  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai’s concern for humans’ spiritual progress.

 In last week’s special videoconference on climate change with Supreme Master Ching Hai and our Association members in Surrey, United Kingdom, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed her genuine concern for the planet and the spiritual elevation of humankind.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The spiritual suffering, this spiritual loss, it’s a terrible loss. And humans committed terrible acts against themselves every day, to cause them to lose spiritual merit because of killing animals, because of killing each other, because of eating animals.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : If we stop killing, if we practice non violence, non-violence to humans, non-violence to animals, if we stop all the killing, then all bad effects will stop, almost instantly. There will be no end to happiness and freedom, of any aspects, body and mind, if we stop the main cause of disaster, that is the killing.

VOICE: We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her many years of dedication in guiding us to a kinder, more compassionate way of life. With Heaven’s grace, we pray that all beings on Earth will be able to thrive in everlasting shared peace and happiness.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television's Between Master and Disciples on Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22, 2008 for the full broadcast of this special videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with multi-language subtitles.