Ice bridge ruptures in Antarctic - 8 Apr 2009  
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 Ice bridge ruptures in Antarctic
Antarctic ice bridge snaps. A bridge connecting the Wilkins Ice Shelf to the Charcot and Latady islands has disintegrated at its narrowest point, causing scientists to suspect that the northern portion of the shelf, which is the size of Jamaica, may become a free-floating iceberg. With the Antarctic’s western peninsula being one of the fastest warming locations on Earth, many ice shelves have already retreated, with six collapsing entirely. Although these now-floating bodies have no direct impact on water height, their disintegration speeds the movement of ice behind them toward the ocean, which likely will raise sea levels.

International researchers, we appreciate knowing of this latest disturbing change in the Antarctic. Let us move quickly in adopting lifestyles that support the cooling of our intricate and vital ecosystem.

During a live videoconference in July 2008 with dignitaries, scientists, medical experts and others in Japan, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the most important solution for the planet’s warming.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
SOS: Stop Global Warming Seminar Tokyo, Japan July 27, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I think we’d better heed the warning of the scientists because otherwise it’s not just the ice melt, maybe we will melt also. I hope not. I hope not! And we are working frantically toward saving the planet. So if we be vegetarian, our good karma of saving lives will in turn reward us with our lives saved. That’s all I can say.

And the more vegetarian people join us, the more time we will have. That is the thing. Well, green technology, planting trees does help, but this is very secondary, very little. But the vegetarian diet will help stop 80% of the global warming and save our lives.

Predicted rise in sea levels could submerge low-lying islands by 2100
Eastern USA islands face rising sea levels. Experts are cautioning that Hilton Head, Fripp and Parris Islands off the coast of South Carolina, USA, are vulnerable to rising sea levels. Dr. Orin Pilkey of Duke University, USA states that a 1 to 2 meter rise in sea levels, which could be expected by the end of this century from melting of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, would result in the submergence of significant portions of these islands as well as major coastal cities such as New York and Boston.

Dr. Pilkey, your timely warning and concern is most appreciated. With Heaven’s grace, may we all act preventatively to restore our Mother Earth through such quickly effective solutions as the beneficial vegan diet.

San Francisco's Hybrid Taxis Prove their Worth
Hybrid taxis on the move in San Francisco, USA. With almost 15 percent or over 1,400 of the city's cabs being hybrids, featuring cleaner emissions and fuel conservation, the vehicles are also reported to have helped save the drivers up to US$9,000 a year. Taxi driver Tim Lapp said, "As a user of the road, far more than regular individuals, our social responsibility to reduce the impact by having natural gas or hybrid vehicles or hopefully soon, purely electrical vehicles, that's our way of giving back." With a greater percentage of hybrid taxis on the road than any other American city, San Francisco’s Yellow Cab has increased its orders and is looking forward to one day having a zero-emission fleet.

Bravo eco-taxi drivers and San Francisco authorities for your support in introducing greener vehicles to the city! We, too, can’t wait to see many more eco-friendly cars on the roads of major cities around the world.

Silvio Berlusconi backs Prince Charles's scheme to save the rainforests
World leaders agree to support Prince Charles’ rainforest protection efforts. The Prince of Wales hosted a meeting in the United Kingdom attended by global dignitaries that included US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso.

Speaking of the current level of destruction, the prince explained that rainforests continue to be cleared at an alarming rate for such products as beef, palm oil, timber farming and soya, which itself is largely fed to livestock. His Royal Highness highlighted an effective solution that includes reimbursement to countries for maintaining the integrity of their forests. The meeting concluded with the leaders’ consensus pledge for further evaluation of Prince Charles’ proposals, and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s agreement to support the necessary funding when he assumes presidency of the European Union.

We are deeply grateful, Your Royal Highness, for your noble pursuit of solutions to ensure a stable future for our planet. Our thanks also to all the world leaders who have committed to act swiftly in saving the lush rainforests. We look forward to the assurance of their continued majestic and life-giving presence.