Tensions build over water shortage - 19 ul 2009  
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Tensions build over water shortage.
Millions of people across northern India currently face water shortages that threaten their survival as the region attempts to cope with a severe prolonged drought. In many places, people have access to water for 30 minutes only once every seven days.

In Bhopal state, three people lost their lives as neighbors struggled with each other to obtain the precious fluid during the limited time that water was flowing through the pipes. The lack of rain is also affecting food supplies in regions such as Andhra Pradesh state, normally known as the rice bowl of India, where the monsoon
season so far this year has brought 43% below average precipitation.

We join the people of India in sorrow for their perilous situation as we pray for their safety and the life-giving blessing of rain. May we all be reminded to appreciate and conserve these precious resources as we strive to return balance and harmony to our planetary home.

In her tireless work to bring peace to the globe, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often addressed situations that may arise with climate change, as she did in the following excerpt from an April 2009 videoconference in South Korea, where she also offered the quickest solution.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: All this is important because if humans are in shortage of food or of water, then conflicts, of course, will break out.

When our family members are in danger of hunger or thirst, maybe we would do anything to bring food to them. So reluctantly, some virtuous or good people might even go astray and cause conflict between neighbors and then, on a larger scale, it will cause conflict between nations.

Scientists have documented that one serving of beef takes more than a thousand gallons of water to produce. By contrast, the vegan diet uses about one-tenth of that amount.

So, the water problem would also be completely solved if everyone is vegan consequently, each nation would naturally have sufficient resources and wholeheartedly exchange help to each other. So, the best way to
prepare for conflict is to take complete prevention. The vegan diet will help us to achieve that goal, and almost immediately.

India promotes organic produce farming.
The state of Maharashtra in India has announced a training program whereby nearly 6,500 farmers will learn organic growing practices. Once a grower completes the year-long course, he or she will be expected to allocate at least one hectare of land to this agricultural method.

The state has initiated this project in an effort to reverse the damage of prolonged chemical fertilizer and pesticide use for both the land and the farmers.

Certification is also being made available for those who wish to export their produce.Maharashtra, we send our accolades for your leadership in initiating this environmentally-friendly practice.

Blessed be all such endeavors to share the wholesome and plentiful benefits of organic vegan farming.

US House of Representatives passes measure to protect birds.
The legislative body voted to formally acknowledge a bird conservation program called the Joint Ventures for Bird Habitat Conservation Act of 2009.

Speaking of the initiative, US Congressman Frank Kratovil said, “This bill ensures that the land will be protected against development, and the health of the environment will be preserved.”

We are grateful, Representative Kratovil and all US legislators supporting the passage of this life-saving measure. Wishing you continued success in protecting our feathered co-inhabitants and the environment.  

Extra News
Eco-conscious English alternative rock band Radiohead with vegan lead singer Thom Yorke offer fans an alternative to concert t-shirts in the form of practical rain ponchos made of 100% certified recycled plastic bottles.  

US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announces that commercial logging on federal lands will be scaled back to offer greater protection to endangered animals such as the spotted owl.  

Internationally renowned eco-community, Findhorn in Scotland, launches Europe’s first organic waste water cleaning system, using only living plants and flowers.  