Arctic showing immense melting - 13 Aug 2009  
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Arctic showing immense melting.
Data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center has revealed that the polar ice cap shrank 41,000 square miles a day during July 2009, which may lead to a record low minimum in September.

Dr. Greg Henry of the University of British Columbia in Canada, who has been working in the Arctic for over two decades, stated that since 1970, temperatures in the Arctic tundra have risen one degree Celsius per decade. This is faster than anywhere else on Earth.

He said, “We're finding that the tundra is actually giving off a lot more nitrous oxide and methane than anyone
had thought before.”

He went on to say that the higher temperatures have led to a denser cover of plants, which causes further warming because their darker surface absorbs more heat.

Dr. Henry and colleagues, we are thankful for these vital findings that highlight our limited time to avoid extreme catastrophe. May citizens the world over unite in swift and sustainable actions to ensure the flourishing of all beings.

Increased wildfires with continued global warming.
Scientists at Harvard University in the USA are forecasting a 50% rise in wildfires by 2050 compared to current levels because of rising temperatures, with the western United States particularly at risk due to the likelihood of further drought from this year’s El Nino weather pattern.

With air quality that will be affected by smoke as well, Victoria state’s environment department in Australia has warned that increased bushfires this coming summer could be truly devastating.

Premier John Brumby stated, “All of the advice at the moment is that this will be as bad, if not worse, (as) anything we've seen in the past decade.”

We are grateful for the warnings, Harvard University scientists, Your Excellency and Australia. Let us heed such calls by lovingly providing care for our planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai often expresses her concern for the welfare of all beings and offered her insight about extreme heat as an effect of global warming in the following June 2009 video message in Veracruz, Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now, we have also record heat. The past decade has twice, at least, seen the hottest average annual temperatures ever recorded in our planet’s history.
In 2003, a record heat wave hit Europe, claiming tens of thousands of lives. Heat waves also preceded the worst wildfires ever in Australia’s history.

So, we must cool the planet, first and foremost.

Organic vegan will produce beneficial cooling effect as it will cut down methane and other greenhouse gases which are fatal to our survival.

Veganism will save our world.

EXtra News
Scientists from the Ecological Society of America report that human over-consumption is the chief reason for
the global climate crisis.

UK-based Queens University’s Belfast Institute of Electronics,Communications and Information Technology develops a device to provide more complete measurements of the Earth’s atmosphere for a better understanding of climate change.