Organic vegan trend fosters a haven of love - 23 Sep 2009  
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Organic vegan trend fosters a haven of love.
Our Earth has provided a home of abundance since time immemorial. As we face the current planetary crisis, more and more people are working to ensure her continued vitality.

In this light, 49 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) organized an international conference on Jeju Island in South Korea to discuss the organic vegan diet as a solution to climate change and children’s health.

Held on September 21, the event featured such environmental experts as Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Mr. Joop Oude Lohuis, Manager of the Climate and Global Sustainability Unit in the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.

Also sharing their knowledge were medical leaders that included Dr. Michael Greger, Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States; acclaimed physician and nutritional expert,Dr. Joel Fuhrman; Dr. Neal Barnard, founding president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; Dr. John A. McDougall, founder and medical director of the nationally renowned McDougall Program; and Dr. Hwang Seong-Soo, famous Korean neurosurgeon of Daegu Medical Center.

Graciously accepting an invitation to attend via videoconference as the event’s guest of honor was Supreme Master Ching Hai. While offering her thoughts, she highlighted the importance of the organic vegan lifestyle in awakening ourselves to compassion.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: When we live and let live, when we love all beings as if we love ourselves, then that is already very highly spiritual. That will be very pleasing to Heaven.

If we are in the organic vegan trend or planting organic vegan farming method then you will feel  more and more the love from nature, the love from the planet earth, the love from the trees, the love from even the blade of grass, from flowers.

We will feel so much love in the air that we breathe. Once we turn into a compassionate Heaven-intended lifestyle of a vegan diet then we will feel more and more love, more and more connected all the time.

VOICE: After the conference, guests expressed their enthusiasm about the organic vegan solution in going green.

Yang Seong-Eon Superintendent, Jeju Special Self-Governing Office of Education (M): What impressed me was the fact that when we reduce meat consumption we’ll significantly improve the environment. So in the future, we’ll be emphasizing that aspect in our education.

Yoo Tae-Woo – Director of Jeju International Lifelong Education Institute (M): If the government, educators, politicians and NGOs work together, we can do anything,is what occurred to me. I await the day when Jeju Island is reborn as a vegan city, inviting all world to come.

VOICE: We are grateful, all NGO organizers and caring participants of this meaningful event. We also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her encouraging insights. As more and more of the world’s citizens choose organic vegan fare, we will surely herald a new Eden on Earth.Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s
Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

The cost of global warming revealed in coral reefs.
Recent research conducted by scientists at the United Nations Environment Program and sponsored by the European Commission, Germany and Britain has concluded that survival of the coral reefs is highly imperiled.
Stating that their future could only be ensured with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels that are significantly below 350 parts per million, the report highlights the fact that current levels are already at 387 parts per million and still going up.

These findings are echoed in a second study just published in Australia that states the Great Barrier Reef there is in severe decline due to global warming and chemical runoff, which are placing marine species in jeopardy and raising the likelihood of serious disease.

The UN report will be presented to world leaders at a November meeting ahead of the Denmark climate change conference in December that seeks to reach accord emission reduction goals to replace the Kyoto Protocol.

Our sincere thanks, United Nations Environment Program, European Commission, Germany and Britain for this urgent reminder of the dire price of climate change.

We pray for the unified approach of governments worldwide in prioritizing the conservation of marine life, which in turn preserves humanity and our Earth. Well aware of the preciousness of the coral reefs, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed their importance and how best to protect them during a November 2008 interview on Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Some scientists predict that most of the coral reefs could disappear in the near future if global warming increases. Scary, 10% lost just in the last four years alone. Coral reefs are just like the forest on land.

They are the protectors of 100-plus countries’ coastlines against storm surges and hurricanes.
And they are also the supporters of over 25% of all marine species. They are the medical treasure which is used in many medicines And there are many more things that we have not discovered about the benefits of coral reef and marine life.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So we have to stop global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And above all, and most urgently of all, be veg, go green to save the planet.


 Extra News
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warns that poor harvests in East Africa caused by drought, global warming and conflict could dramatically raise the number of those dependant on food assistance beyond the 20 million people already in need of food aid.

Following a nationwide ban on free plastic bags in June 2008, China's Global Times reports a reduction of 3 million metric tons in oil usage along with an emissions savings of 9.6 million tons of CO2.

Conservation International and other NGOs, along with international businesses, students, and politicians unite to create “Team Earth,” a US based social network creating a movement to save the world’s rainforests.