Meat is no business for either humans or the climate - 5 Oct 2009  
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Meat is no business for either humans or the climate.
As an industry that is a major cause of global warming, the livestock sector currently employs more than one billion people globally. Knowing that a worldwide transition to the plant-based diet is necessary for the planet, the question arose as to how this might adversely affect those whose jobs are tied to meat production.

Responding to this concern during the climate change conference in Hong Kong on Saturday, October 3, Supreme Master Ching Hai pointed out that refraining from involvement with livestock raising really is the only choice, offering a range of both life- and soul-saving reasons.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's high time we turn away from the harmful, unsustainable meat business and go toward a more civilized, more efficient, more sustainable, more humane means to earn a living.
Namely, organic vegan farming or vegan restaurants, vegan products, vegan product selling, etc.  Everything to do with compassionate living is good for you and it’s pleasing to Heaven and it will save the planet.

It's not just good business, it will save the planet. And it will save countless lives now and in the future, including the ones involved in the meat business.

If you believe in the life hereafter, if you believe in Heaven and hell, you should stop the meat business immediately, like yesterday, because nothing good awaits you in the life after if you cause suffering to others, be it human or animals. You will have multiple suffering in return and for a long, long time.

So instead, these people in meat industries should join in the trend which has already begun and expands hugely every day, I’m happy to say.

Be veg, go green,plant organic vegetables.

VOICE: We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai who as a true friend has shown us the safest exit from the disastrous course we have been on. May we as a global society invest in the organic vegan choice and thus redeem for everyone a prosperous and elevated future.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Animal extinction threat increased with global warming.
According to a recent report from Australia's Biological Resources Study, almost 10% of the world's total animals are facing extinction due to habitat loss and climate change.

This does not count the many that have already become extinct. Meanwhile, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has found 49 Mediterranean mammals in Europe as well as the Andean bear in Latin America at high risk of extinction.

The latter is known for its largely vegetarian fare and shy nature but is losing habitat and sustenance as glaciers rapidly melt across Peru.Our appreciation Biological Resources Study and International Union for Conservation of Nature scientists for alerting us to this valuable information.

May humanity quickly heed the clarion call to act now in restoring our ecosphere.
Ever-concerned for all of Earth’s inhabitants, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the immense benefits in cherishing all life during a March 2009 videoconference in Xalapa, Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Just return to compassion and respect for all life. That is the principle we must uphold to ensure that the animals do not disappear, because, that would be tragic for us humans, too.
Imagine our planet without animals at all. All the dogs gone, cats gone, birds gone, fish gone, buffalos gone, elephants gone; imagine, none of the animals survive; how would we live?

If all humanity lives with the animal-free diet, and lives in respect to nature and other life, then we will have a Heaven on Earth.


United Nations formulates draft of Copenhagen agreement.
As the United Nations intensifies preparations for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol on mitigating climate change during the December talks in Copenhagen, Denmark, the draft version of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was made public.

Main points of the document include an emphasis on commitments to shorter-term emissions reductions, policies for reducing deforestation, and sustainable actions needed by both industry and the agriculture sector, with food security and poverty as related issues. Also discussed are ways that developed countries
could provide better financial and technical assistance for developing nations.

We are grateful for the efforts of the United Nations and all parties involved in preparing this action plan. May this much anticipated meeting in Copenhagen be a call for the boldest leadership and decisions that would save our Earth.

Extra News
Researchers with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in the US report that moose populations are on the decline as their food supplies and habitats are affected by climate change.

Research by US-based Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Caltech show that as the atmosphere gets warmer and can hold more water vapor, annual rainfall will increase in the deep tropics and temperate zones, leading to more flooding and soil erosion.