Macau Daily Times announces climate change conference in Hong Kong - 1 Oct 2009  
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Macau Daily Times announces climate change conference in Hong Kong.
An article in Macau’s main English language newspaper, the Macau Daily Times, reported on the upcoming climate change action conference being held in Hong Kong this coming Saturday, October 3.

The paper stated, “The aim of this conference is to spread awareness on climate change … According to the organizers, the conference will focus on humanity’s well-being as well as that of other inhabitants, while at the same time discuss tremendous natural disasters that impact the change in climate around the world.”

With distinguished speakers from Hong Kong, China, and Formosa (Taiwan), the conference, themed “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives,” also invited Supreme Master Ching Hai as the honored guest speaker, who has graciously accepted. We wish all participants a fruitful meeting.

Our gratefulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai for agreeing to comment on these most urgent issues, and we pray that humanity’s joined efforts will lead to a sustainable future for all her co-inhabitants.

Please tune in for the live broadcast of this conference on Supreme Master Television, starting on Saturday October 3, 2009, at 3 pm local time in Hong Kong, or 9 am Central European Time.

Largest salt water lake in the Middle East sinks to its lowest level.
Iran’s well-known Lake Urmia, the second largest salt water body in the world, now contains the least water in half a century, which is affecting the delicate balance of this protected wetland area.
Head of the Environment Protection Office of West Azerbaijan province, Kuemars Kalantari stated, “Besides the absence of management, the main problem for the lake is insufficient water, and unfortunately no-one can do anything because at present there is no water in the drainage system feeding it and there has been a serious reduction in rainfall.”
The environment office has mandated that no water be taken from the lake.

We thank Chief Kalantari, the Environmental Protection Office of West Azerbaijan province and Iran for your care and concern for Lake Urmia. May our speedy actions preserve this grand water body and many more as we endeavor for greater consideration of our environment.

Concerned for the welfare of all beings on Earth, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often offered her thoughts on such predicaments, as in a June 2009 video message for a climate change conference in Veracruz, Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:We have drought, desertification. Precious fresh water supplies are also drying up, such as aquifers; while the rivers Ganges, Jordan, Nile, and Yangtze have been reduced to a trickle for much of the year.
Adopting a plant-based diet can halt as much as 80% of global warming, eradicate world hunger, stop war, promote peace, and it will free up the Earth’s water as well as many other precious resources, offering a lifeline for the planet and for humanity.


Extra News
Nigeria’s Senate develops a bill for protection of the country’s gorillas and wildlife habitat, in accordance with the United Nations Organization’s (UNO) global campaign for the preservation of biodiversity.

Britain’s Met Office reports that climate change is causing autumn to come early in Southeast England, United Kingdom, with warm weather and low rainfall causing leaves to fall more quickly as well as the loss of entire trees.

Malaysia announces plans to implement reduced-impact logging methods in commercial forest reserves in the state of Sabah, which have been effective in reducing forest damage by 50%compared to conventionallogging operations.

Kuwait’s Environment Protection Society installs nine stationary buoys around Umm Al-Maradem island to protect the coral reefs by discouraging boaters from dropping anchors or other metallic ordnance onto the reefs.