Mekong Delta endangered by rising rivers and seas - 28 Sep 2009  
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Mekong Delta endangered by rising rivers and seas.
Water levels of rivers feeding Âu Lạc (Vietnam)’s Mekong Delta have been constantly rising and recently surpassed a second warning level. Resulting floods and severe landslides have affected rice fields in the Đồng Tháp and An Giang provinces, and the government has built shelters to house these and other central province evacuees. To protect the historic Long Khánh temple from landslides,the Đồng Tháp administration has moved the entire temple to a safer area.

In a September 24 interview broadcast on Radio France Internationale (RFI), Mr. Lưu Tường Quang, the esteemed journalist and former Head of SBS Radio, Australia's multicultural and multilingual national radio network, commented on this grave situation of sea level rise in Âu Lạc.

Lưu Tường Quang – Former Head of SBS Radio, Australia (M): There was a 2006 study by the Australian national science agency Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO).

In that research report, the Australian scientific and industrial organization specifically mentioned Vietnam as one of the 10 developing nations at risk of being affected the most by climate change, the main cause being rising sea level.

VOICE: The Mekong Delta joins other major delta regions worldwide that are facing the dangers of rising seas and rivers as well as sinking land.

If global warming continues, scientists say this combination is sure to bring more disastrous flooding, as Mr. Lưu Tường Quang also explained:

Lưu Tường Quang (M): In the event that our planet’s temperature is increased by 2 degrees Celsius, all the delta regions such as in Bangladesh or Mekong River will be flooded by the sea.

In the worst case scenario, Vietnam will only have the Trường Sơn mountain range left, meaning that the Mekong and Red River deltas,the cities of Sài Gòn and Hải Phòng, and central Vietnam will all sink.

VOICE: We thank Mr. Lưu Tường Quang for raising this awareness, and local officials in Âu Lạc for taking safety precautions to protect residents.

May such dangerous situations subside with humanity’s gentler regard of each other and the environment.
Voicing her concern for humanity in a video message during a June 2009 conference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai cautioned about global warming’s effects on society.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Next problem: We have lands sinking and climate refugees. Right now, at least 18 islands have completely submerged around the world, with more than 40 other island nations at risk from rising sea levels. A report from the International Organization for Migration stated that there may be 200 million, or even up to 1 billion people will be climate refugees by 2050, all within our lifetime.

These are people who must leave their island or coastal homes due to rising sea levels or permafrost melts that cause entire communities or nations to sink and collapse.

It might not be that early, but it’s still not too late, we still can rescue our planet home.
Number one solution is vegan,organic vegan. Veganism will save our world.


The Parliament Magazine presents interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai.
The UK-based Parliament Magazine’s Research Review September 2009 edition is publishing the interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai that originally appeared on September 18 in The House Magazine.

This latest review, which is being circulated among all members of the European Parliament starting Monday, September 28, advises European Union institutions and policy makers on best practices, with a focus on food and health.

The magazine is also being sent to the European Parliament President and related officials, the Council of Ministers, all European Commissioners, and the Economic and Social Committee, among other groups, as well as being distributed during the upcoming European Health Forum.

During the interview, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained why developing countries, and indeed all nations, should halt producing and consuming meat.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Meat production is so costly and inefficient, so unsustainable it is bad business to produce meat. Second, besides energy, precious land, food and water resources, already scarce in these very countries, are also wasted or degraded to unacceptable degrees.

The poor are bound to suffer from hunger.
And, overall, increased meat consumption has always been correlated with jumps in chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, whereas before that, these ills were virtually unknown.
Finally,by turning to the virtuous, compassionate diet of vegan alone, they would generate such a positive, constructive energy.

This new loving power could even stop the effects of climate change in their vulnerable lands, and open up people’s innovative thought to solve all manner of economical, social, and technological problems.
And every country, whether developed or developing, will flourish in ways beyond our imagination.

VOICE: In addition to its wide distribution in the European Union government, public subscribers may also read the Research Review online from October 29 at

We thank The Parliament Magazine for helping leaders make wise decisions through its gathered information and analyses. We are also grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s deep concern and insight for all countries.
May all the world’s people enjoy contentment and health through a global adoption of the vegan diet.

Please tune in for the broadcast of this interview at a later date on Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom with multi-language subtitles.

Extra News
US-based automaker General Motors Co. and India's Reva Electric Car Company announce plans to partner in producing a small, affordable all-electric car scheduled for initial release in India next year.

To encourage the expansion of eco-friendly markets, South Korea is reducing custom duties by 50 percent on 31 new imported products and components that utilize sustainable sources such as solar, wind and thermal energy.