The foundation of a civilized society - 26 Oct 2009  
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The foundation of a civilized society.
The case today is clearer than ever: Our inefficient and grossly polluting system of meat production has cost human society more than most are aware. It has cost financially in terms of exorbitant subsidies for the producers involved, environmentally due to vast tracts of land and sea being poisoned or adversely altered, and in terms of our health and wellbeing, as our own family members have suffered or perished due to meat- and dairy-related diseases.

If a spiritual dimension is added, we realize that meat consumption always leads to bad karmic retribution as well.

Whether humankind can be sustained with such a burdensome lifestyle was a question asked by Indonesian energy and climate consultant Ping Yowargana during the recent climate change videoconference in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Mr. Yowargana, who is also a vegetarian, requested that Honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai helped shed light on the matter of proper development.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We are civilized, we are educated. We are religious. We have been taught by all the greatest prophets since times immemorial to be a dignified human being.

So we have to stop all this mass murdering the animals from air, from land or from sea. From anywhere at all. That’s the only way we can and should develop sustainably, for our children and grandchildren and future generations.

Not only do we save the animals, we save our lives. We save the lives of the world, of the people in the world. Then we are heroes. The planets that were saved from destruction, were saved because their societies became vegan. Many planets that did not survive, like Mars, perished with meat still between the teeth.
If everyone in this society becomes vegan, we will develop in an incredible way as a whole planet in the universe.

Everything else will naturally be built on this new foundation, and the correct foundation, the only foundation we should have of loving kindness, and the society will develop itself and manage itself accordingly: in peace, wisdom, compassion, and dignified co-existence among all living beings.

VOICE: The engaging discussion with Supreme Master Ching Hai left an impression on participants.
Domino – Indonesian music band: May more of us be vegan so that the world can be healthier.
Be veg, go green, save the planet!

21st Night – Indonesian music band: Be veg, go green, and save the planet!

VOICE: We thank the conference Mr. Yowargana, participants, the Indonesian government, and others involved in this important event. Our gratefulness also goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai, whose far-reaching insights and boundless love are surely helping to change communities around the globe. May we soon herald a vegan world of lasting peace for all.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Global warming worse than the worst case scenario.
This was the message from Dutch scientists who have found evidence that during the era known as the Fossil Greenhouse World around 50 million years ago, the temperature of polar seas became as tropical as those near the equator.

Sediments retrieved from the sea floor show that regional Antarctic sea water exceeded 30ºC at that time. Lead scientist Dr. Peter Bijl of Utrecht University said that this ancient era could herald the Earth’s future, leading to even more dire scenarios than those currently being forecast by the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Dr. Bijl and colleagues, we thank you for your candid findings as we pray for humanity’s concerted efforts in shaping a gentler, more loving future for our planet.

In her tireless efforts to help reverse such devastating trends, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often offered encouragement for Earth-protecting actions, as in an October 2008 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We can only rely on the good karma that we can create. And that we can do. We can save ourselves right now by turning into vegetarian diet which is benevolent, which is very compassionate, and by being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us.

That’s the only thing I can tell you. The way we are doing right now, we cause suffering to others; we cannot expect happiness in return.

What we have been doing will bring  us disaster and trouble and maybe mass destruction in the very near future.

So if we want to have a good result, we have to start doing good. Be veg, go green, and do good deeds.


World citizens stand for action on climate change.
On Saturday, October 24, the “350” day of action was launched as people from 181 different nations gathered for some 5,200 local activities to call for stronger measures to stop global warming. Our Association members worldwide were also part of the awareness spreading initiatives, which were held from North and South America to Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Let us go to Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan), to speak with 350 event organizer Mr. Alec Fang.
Alec Fang, Environmental activist, Vegan, Formosa (Taiwan) (M):  The reason for this activity is that CO2 has increased; we already have 390 parts per million.

But many scientists say that 350 is the safe value of CO2. We’ve already exceeded that, and it’s getting worse and worse, so we need to return to the safe level.

VOICE: Creative ways of portraying the key number “350” included a display of vegan muffins baked by our Association members from Melbourne, Australia, while in Singapore, phrases such as “350” and “Be Veg Go Green” were formed by humans. Activities such as face-painting, walkathons, green exhibits and complimentary vegan lunches also marked this lively and memorable day.

Event participant, Singapore (M): By promoting this event today, we hope that everyone, not only in Singapore, but around the planet should help to reduce the carbon in the atmosphere.
And I hope that the majority of us will be able to turn their diet into becoming vegetarians.

Grace Chen, Senior media person, Renowned MC on TV and author, Advocate of the organic lifestyle, Formosa (F): I call on everyone to be organic vegan, love ourselves, save our planet, in order to lower the earth’s temperature.

Young participant, Singapore (M): To help the environment, we should be veg, and we should not waste plastics.

Young participant, Singapore (F): Don’t eat the chicken and the cows and everything on Earth because that’s wrong. And we can all be vegetarians to save the planet.

350 Participants: Be veg, go green, save the planet!

VOICE: Hats off all 350 event organizers and participants, for your harmonious steps in raising awareness for planet-cooling action. Wishing everyone the motivation to join such a noble movement and turn to the organic vegan way for a saved and brighter Earth.

Extra News
With more than 50% of its land mass gone since 1995 and over half a million residents who have already left the isle to for the urban slums of Bangladesh, Bhola island continues slipping under the water due to climate change.

UN Ambassador for the Year of the Gorilla, Ian Redmond, calls for Copenhagen climate discussions to include protection of elephants and gorillas,in acknowledging their important roles in dispersing seeds and maintaining the balance of the rainforest flora.

Senior Japanese and US officials agree to make climate change a key area of further cooperation and expanding relations.