Natural disasters linked to meat industry - 25 Oct 2009  
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Natural disasters linked to meat industry.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s report in 2006 stated that the meat and dairy industries are among the major causes of “the world’s most pressing environmental problems.”
Since the publishing of this report, the toll of livestock production has only worsened.

Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions have been newly assessed to be at least 51 percent, while livestock-related harms have increased, including land degradation, ocean dead zones, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.

For humans, this presents multiple threats to survival, as rising temperatures due to the livestock industry also strengthen deadly weather extremes.

At the recent climate change conference hosted by the government of Indonesia in the capital city of Jakarta, honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized our need to avoid any further increase of such negative consequences.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It’s not
just the earthquakes,
it’s not just the tsunami,
it’s not just the typhoon,
it’s not just the cyclone,
it’s the rising sea levels as well which forces
people to lose their ancestral homes, to go begging elsewhere.
Losing also their dignity,
the power to take care
of their own family,
losing their grace,
losing their status of the caretaker of the family,
losing everything - not just physical possession,
losing their loved ones as well.  
And such extreme weather patterns that include extensive flooding along with prolonged droughts.
It’s easy to see the many forms of environmental harm that are linked to this killing industry, which we call meat consumerism.  If we still really want stop all this loss and suffering we must all become vegan to save the world.

Furthermore, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, John Holmes, stated that 99 percent of the people who lose their lives due to natural disasters are in Asia, including Indonesia.

And how many more are we bound to lose if we don’t change on time. What are we waiting for?

VOICE: Conference participants responded to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s discussions.

Conference participant (F): What has been conveyed by Supreme Master Ching Hai is an analysis review during this time. We have experienced many disasters and actually it's true; it is caused by ourselves, caused by our meat consumption. If we follow [the vegetarian diet] maybe the world will be safer because there are no calamities.

Conference participant (F): I'm very inspired by what Master Ching Hai said, her way to motivate people to be a vegan, and then reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and all the bad methane effects to our planet, simply by turning to be a vegan.

VOICE: We appreciate the support of the Indonesian government and all esteemed conference participants, and thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her great concern and insights about the planet.

May we work together to create a constructive vegan world so that the next generations will have a safe, peaceful and happy future.Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Small growers increasingly affected by climate change.
A three-year research project conducted by UK-based fair trade company, Cafédirect, evaluated the sensitivity to global warming of small-scale coffee and tea farmers in Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. The study found that growers have already been moving to higher altitudes as temperatures rise across the globe. Moreover, their yields have been noted to fall, such as in Peru, where annual coffee and tea harvests have decreased by 40 percent, and Mexico which saw a 50 percent annual loss in yields next to the country’s average seven percent decrease.

Citing some of the specific global warming effects, Cafédirect’s Chief Executive Officer Anne MacCaig said, “A huge number of growers are now experiencing increased instances of pestilence and disease from rises in temperature. They are also facing prolonged drought and changing weather patterns.”
According to the study, 30 million small farmers could be impacted with up to a 90 percent drop in income.

Cafédirect researchers, we appreciate your work that clearly documents the damaging consequences of climate change. Let us step quickly toward sustainable lifestyles so that all beings may once again prosper.
Ever-concerned for humanity’s survival, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the warming effects faced by farmers and indeed the world during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, while also highlighting what everyone can do to solve them.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There are water crises that make it difficult to plant crops, thus adding to food shortages and prices rising. Add to this, desertification and deforestation that further degrade the land.
Increased temperatures mean erratic rainfall  If you’re a farmer, you already can feel that the climate is in trouble. There are more frequent droughts, heat waves, floods, storms, frosts, freezes, and locusts than before.
If the world becomes vegan as a group, we can remedy the disasters that affect us globally.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is something  all citizens of the world can do. Be vegan. Be a world-saver.


Extra News
Addressing students and faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA, US President Barack Obama reiterates the importance of becoming a leader in sustainable clean energy.

US and Canadian scientists and veterinarians ask for government support in rescuing an increasing number of sea lions found to be suffering from the effects of plastic rings and fishing line that form suffocating entanglements around the marine mammals’ necks.

King Mohammad VI of Morocco encourages the world to come together in addressing environmental concern and crisis before climate change further weakens the ecology, economy and development.