Climate change conference in Jakarta, Indonesia - 23 Oct 2009  
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Climate change conference in Jakarta, Indonesia.
On Thursday, October 22, the event titled “Vegan Organic for Prosperity and to Save the Planet from Climate Change” was held in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

Participating dignitaries included Her Excellency Sri Hudyastuti, Indonesia’s Assistant Minister for Economics and Poverty Alleviation. Also speaking as presenters were Dr. Hira Jhamtani, an associate of the Third World Network based in Bali, Indonesia; Indonesian naval physician and vegan Dr. Anton Budiono, and Professor Aris Ananta, senior researcher at the Institute of South East Asian Studies in Singapore.

The live event engaged aesthetic senses as well through beautiful native music and dance performances. Also announced during the program was good news about the official release of the Indonesian version of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 international bestselling book, “The Birds in My Life.”

As the honored guest, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously attended via videoconference, answering questions from distinguished audience members on topics such as the vegan trend to stop global warming, and ways to implement organic vegan farming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This activity of killing animals for meat has grown to vast proportions in many parts of the world outside of our eyes, causing immense suffering for countless animals, causing sickness to us humans, especially the children and the elderly, along with land and water pollution, massive deforestation,
loss of habitat for wildlife, and human diseases that include bird and swine flu, mad cow disease etc.

Meat production also means fishing. After billions of these underwater animals have been snatched from their homes and killed en masse, our oceans are now gravely imbalanced.
The cumulative impact of all these destructive activities is really beyond measure, and experts such as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are continually revising their forecasts as they realize the Earth’s decline from global warming is occurring much, much faster than everyone previously thought, or predicted.

Stopping meat and dairy consumption and fishing, poultry, all the animal products is the fastest and most effective way to cool our planet and halt these dangerous changes.

And now that we also understand the immeasurable benefits of the organic vegan diet, we can simply step forward and implement this solution, which offers not only better personal health, but literally can save the entire world.

VOICE: Our thanks to all the concerned participants of this important meeting. We are also grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her dedicated guidance and loving support for all who are now seeking solutions for the planet.

Through wisdom and courage, may we stop all manner of practices that harm lives and the environment, adopting instead the organic vegan diet to safeguard our future.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

The disastrous effects of passing Greenland’s tipping points.
A recent report published by the United Kingdom’s climate change and weather bureau, the Met Office Hadley Centre, used a sophisticated climate model to forecast the melting of Greenland’s vast ice sheets in response to further global warming. The study found that if just 15% of the ice sheets melt, the glaciers would not fully recover, no matter how much greenhouse gas emissions were subsequently reduced.

The result of would be an irreversible sea level rise of at least 1.3-meters. Dr. Jeff Ridley, a Met Office Climate Scientist who specializes in Polar Regions, stated:
“The effects of the greenhouse gases we emit today will still be felt long into the future, so we will need to start taking action now  to stop temperature rises that will still be happening at the end of this century.”
Dr. Ridley and Met Office colleagues, our thanks for this clear reminder of our need to change immediately for the protection of human life and our world.

Let us all step now toward sustainable lifestyles that bring harmony to the ecosphere.As part of her ongoing concern and efforts to aid humanity, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized our need to heed scientists’ warnings and act accordingly during an August 2008 interview by Ireland’s East Coast FM Radio.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: According to the scientists, whatever they have predicted or prescribed about our critical situation is accurate up to 99%. They want us to change the way we live our lives, to protect our fragile ecosystem, by cutting down CO2 emissions. And the fastest way that individuals can do,
without a lot of protocol and ado, is to be veg.

It’s truly critical now, as we have witnessed increasing disaster worldwide, due to climate change. We still have time, we still have a little time to change the course of destiny, thanks to the vegetarian population, old and new members that reduce the most karmic retribution in the shortest span of time.

Thus we have like an extended deadline before the no return point. But it’s not much. We must change fast to
avoid much more damage to the Earth as well as loss of more lives and resources.


Extra News
United States researchers discover that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), often fed to honey bees, forms the harmful chemical hydroxymethylfurfural when heated and may be in part responsible for the Colony Collapse Disorder that has caused the loss of millions of bees.

The 310-meter tall Pearl River Tower in China’s Guangzhou province seeks to be the most energy-efficient super skyscraper ever built, with water-cooled ceilings, smart lighting and multiple build in wind turbines.