Livestock generates over half of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions - 22 Oct 2009  
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Livestock generates over half of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.
A just-released report in the November/December issue of World Watch Magazine has concluded that livestock raising is responsible for at least 51 percent of global warming.

Authors Dr. Robert Goodland, former lead environmental advisor to the World Bank, and World Bank research officer Jeff Anhang built upon “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” the report published in 2006 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

They calculated for areas not previously considered and updated others, including the lifecycle emissions of farmed fish production, CO2 from animal respirations , and an actual corrected tally that resulted in a more than doubling of the reported number of livestock animals on the planet.

Livestock's methane emissions were also factored in as being 72 times more heat-trapping in the atmosphere than CO2. This represents a more accurate increase from the original FAO calculations of 23 times the warming potential.

Even so, the researchers cautioned that the sum of their estimates was minimized, and therefore the 51 percent emissions total is still conservative. In a question and answer article on the website, the authors concluded:“It is now possible to understand that the dramatic expansion of the livestock sector in recent decades may imperil humanity, and that there may be no way to manage the climate risk of either the food industry or the world at large other than by replacing livestock products with better alternatives.”  

Our thankful appreciation, Dr. Goodland, Mr. Anhang, participating scientists and World Watch Institute, for your work showing that meat consumption is clearly the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Let us ever more swiftly replace animal products with their planet-cooling veg alternatives to preserve our ecosphere and all lives.  Supreme Master Ching Hai has often offered support for this most direct solution to saving humanity and the Earth, as during an interview for the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Livestock is the single largest emitter of methane. Moreover, because of methane’s faster disappearance from the atmosphere, if we stop eating meat the planet will be able to cool immediately.

Livestock raising and animal breeding also cause many other damages to our planet. Livestock, by far, is the single largest human-related occupier of land, the main driver of deforestation, the biggest water polluter, and top culprit of biodiversity loss.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  Eighty percent of the Amazon’s deforested land are converted to grazing pastures for cattle. Of the remaining deforested land, the majority is used for growing soy. Eighty-five percent of the world’s soy is fed to the cattle that will be slaughtered for human consumption.

Everything points in the same direction, that is, meat diet. see? If we stop consuming animal products, much of this lethal source is eliminated and the heat it creates will also disappear.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: :  So, with the vegan diet, we eat what’s best for our health, for the animals, for the environment, and nature will do the rest to restore the balance and save our world.


Motivations for a vegan paradise.
“The Noble Wilds,” “The Dogs in My Life,” and “The Birds in My Life,” Supreme Master Ching Hai’s #1 international bestselling books, speak to our child-like nature. They allow us to envision a world where size and species are forgotten as pure love and respect reign among all.

Perhaps this explains the books’ success, including “The Noble Wilds” German edition’s rise to top bestseller in the Young Readers’ category at the major online bookstore

At the recent book release celebration for “The Noble Wilds” in Frankfurt, Germany, noted advocates of animal protection, vegetarianism and others shared their impressions of the book.

VOICE: Speaking as the honored guest of the event was the book’s author Supreme Master Ching Hai, who answered Irish animal activist Mr. John Carmody’s question on what would most motivate people to adopt the veg diet as a way to avert global crisis.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: How about that we still have our planet? How about that we still can live here? How about that we don’t have sickness again? How about that our children will be healthy, beautiful, intelligent, loving and kind? We all wish our children to grow up intelligent, loving and kind, but what do we teach them
from beginning of their very fragile life?

We push the symbol of violence into their mouth. Even if they spit it out, we force to put it back in again until they get used to it.

Not only violence, that piece of meat or fish or animals that we try to stuff into our children’s unaware stomach, that also decreases their intelligence, decreases their loving quality, and humanity.

So we expect our children to be the best, and we give them the worst. The worst of all the worst is meat diet. If we just put down that piece of meat and fish and dairy, whatever the animal piece that we want to put in our mouth.

Because the vegan lifestyle carries such a powerful energy; all positive, all loving, all constructive, all blessing, all intelligence, that could melt all the negative energy away, destroy it forever, and neutralize the destructive forces in our environment and in our lives in the shortest time that you could imagine.

I hope whatever most motivates us, we change, and quick. We are running out of time anyway. If we wait too long, I’m afraid we won’t be left with a choice, if we want ourselves and our children to survive.

VOICE: Our thanks to the conference participants, and gratefulness for Supreme Master Ching Hai and her words of urgency and hope.May we all become organic vegan, and achieve true harmony and happiness among Earth’s co-inhabitants.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

British prime minister urges accord in upcoming talks.
Addressing representatives from 17 of the world’s top greenhouse gas emitters in London, United Kingdom on Monday, October 19, Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for unity in replacing the Kyoto Protocol at the Denmark summit coming in just about 50 days.

He said, “If we act now, if we act together, if we act with vision and resolve, success at Copenhagen is still within our reach. But if we falter, the Earth will itself be at risk. And for the planet, there is no Plan B.” Your Excellency, we appreciate and join your call for concerted global action. May international leaders
concur in bringing quickly sustainable measures to preserve the home we all share.

Chief British climate advisor Dr. David Kennedy states that the country needs to reduce emissions six times faster than current plans in order to achieve existing goals.

US and Korean researchers find that global warming has produced another type of El Niño in the central Pacific, further aggravating drought conditions in places like Australia and India, where rainfall is less this year than any time since 1972.