Redefining the greatness of a nation  
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Redefining the greatness of a nation.
During the recent climate change conference in Washington DC, USA, experts on climate change and health shared their views on the importance of mitigating global warming and ways it could be accomplished as quickly as possible.

Dr. Stephen Schneider – Climatologist, Stanford University, USA, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (M): A major component in the Copenhagen meeting will be trying to get strategies to help us adapt. But remember, we have to adapt to what we can’t prevent, we have to prevent what we can’t adapt to.

VOICE: Some speakers highlighted the wide-scale shift to a plant-based diet as a fast and efficient way to prevent further warming, given that methane emitted by livestock to produce meat traps much more heat than CO2 and also leaves the atmosphere fast – in less than one-tenth the time.

Honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai contributed ideas on how the government could implement the vegetarian climate solution, pointing out the major health and economic benefits as well.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai “Humanity’s Leap into the Golden Era” November 8, 2009 – Washington DC, USA

Supreme Master Ching Hai: And all the while that we are suffering illness, complaining, losing lives, grieving over loss of loved ones, of family members, losing happiness, losing money due to the animal diet, we are the ones who are paying the industry to continue producing this problem, producing meat, fish and the like,
with our hard earned tax money that’s used to subsidize them.

Ironic? The US government could of course redirect billions of dollars now spent on livestock subsidies to help farmers switch to organic vegetable and fruit agriculture. That will be a great help to your country and the health of the Americans.

VOICE: In a three-year period, the US government spent US$20 billion to subsidize animal feed crops and US$1.3 billion in dairy subsidies alone.  

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  I have always looked to the American people and their great government leaders as one of the best living examples of democracy and freedom, integrity, of our world.
However, I must tell you truthfully that the meat industry is unbefitting to the greatness of your country and of the great American citizens. Great people deserve great things. Great people lead great lifestyles. So we have to do away with the un-great things and we have to begin the great things, for the great people, great country like America.

VOICE: Our thanks to the speakers and participants of the Washington conference. We are also grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her steadfast faith that all nations will take the courageous steps to save the Earth.

Let us all join in the call for wise governance that will save our lives and the planet. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Tsunami waves could reach Israel.
Mounting evidence shows that global warming increases the frequency of tsunamis, and recent research in Israel indicates that these massive waves could reach the shores of the Middle Eastern countries.
Dr. Beverly Goodman of the University of Haifa led an extensive geo-archaeological study and found that tsunamis have struck the Mediterranean port of Caesarea in the past. In fact, four such events occurred between 1500 BC and circa 1100 CE with waves up to 5 meters high that spread to 2 kilometers inland.
These historical tsunamis were generated by volcanoes and earthquakes, phenomena that have also been noted to be on the rise as global warming produces different stresses on the earth’s crust.

Many thanks, Dr. Goodman and University of Haifa colleagues for this revealing glimpse into humanity’s past. Let us all adopt harmonious lifestyles to protect Israel and all countries from the devastation of climate change.
Concerned for the stability of our ecosphere, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often cautioned about the perils of human-caused climate change, as during a June 2008 videoconference in England.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's just getting worse nowadays, more obvious. You just have to tune in to any TV channels, any radio, read any newspapers, they are full of reports, almost daily, about world hunger, and the shortage of food, unaffordable food prices, unaffordable daily necessities, basic necessities.
And unprecedented frequent disasters. And crop failures due to bad weathers. And the non-stoppable sea rising levels, high priced fuels, shortages, incurable or strange new diseases... all of these are happening now!

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Veganism is the only solution. It's the best, the fastest solution.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I pray that people in the world wake up on time and just forsake that piece of meat, then everything will be just fine. Everything will be beautiful, nice, peaceful.


Extra News
French inventor Marc Parent introduces a wind turbine that generates both electricity and drinking water from water vapor, a device that Mr. Parent hopes to distribute throughout arid regions in Africa.

In the online newspaper The Huffington Post, Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the US-based Center for Food Safety highlights the low-cost climate solution offered by organic farming through its absorption of up 40% of CO2 emissions when implemented worldwide.

Bahamas' environment ministry announces additional funding for the Caribbean Challenge, a project that supports sustainable management of protected areas on the island to preserve the environment and biodiversity of the land and waters.