UK government supports reducing meat for the planet and human health - 27 Nov 2009  
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UK government supports reducing meat for the planet and human health.
Following a year’s investigation by 55 scientists in nine countries,the report “Public Health Benefits of Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse-gas Emissions” was published in the prestigious British medical journal the Lancet. It concluded that reducing livestock production by consuming fewer animal products would provide the greatest benefit for reducing emissions, improving health, and containing climate change mitigation costs.

The new report, which described the health benefits of various global warming mitigation strategies, including lifestyle changes, was officially endorsed during a launch event in the United Kingdom by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and leaders of the World Health Organization, the UK Department of Health and Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and the US Department of Health.Supreme Master Television spoke with lead author Professor Sir Andrew Haines, Director of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. 

Professor Sir Andrew Haines – Director of London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK (M): You can't ignore the food and agricultural sector if you're serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions quite dramatically, which is what we know has to be done. So we look first of all at the potential for technological change. Could it all be done just by improving technology of farming? And we concluded that that would be not sufficient.

VOICE: The report found that a 30% reduction in the number of livestock animals had the benefit of reaching 50% greenhouse gas reduction goals by 2030 and improving overall health. In particular, heart disease rates alone would be reduced by 15%, saving 18,000 lives in the UK per year from the country's #1 killer.

Professor Sir Andrew Haines (M): Since we already consume sufficient nutritional content from the Western diet, we can quite safely reduce our saturated fat consumption by let’s say, 30%.
There's many people who don't consume very much animal products and meat and other animal products, some who are purely vegetarian and vegan, and all these different dietary patterns are compatible with a healthy lifestyle.

VOICE: We thank the dedicated world scientists and The Lancet medical journal for this very important study integrating climate change and health. We also laud the British government and United Nations officials for supporting this call to global action in reducing meat production and consumption.

May world citizens enjoy the multifold benefits of a plant-based diet including longevity, vitality, and above all, a saved planetary abode.Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently discussed the effective role of governments in reducing global warming, as in an interview published in the September 2009 edition of the British Parliament's The House Magazine.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The government can support organic vegan farming through subsidies. They can also redirect the funds away from the meat industries and instead toward encouraging citizens to plant, to buy and to choose organic vegan food. And when they do, we will soon have a lot of healthy, happy, productive people, a restored green environment, and minimum climate mitigation costs – something all governments can look forward to and gain the enthusiastic support of all citizens.

Media comments on videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai.
The unique climate change conference in Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico on November 16 was extensively covered by Mexican newspapers and radio. For the event, which focused on the organic vegan diet as the most effective way to reverse global warming, the Veracruz state government invited Supreme Master Ching Hai
to share her thoughts.

The hosting city’s main newspaper, “El Mundo de Orizaba,” stated in an article entitled  “[Supreme Master] Ching Hai Calls to Become Vegetarian”:

(Originally in Spanish) “Hundreds of people gathered at the auditorium of Section IV of the IMSS [Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social] to listen to experts, such as [Supreme Master] Ching Hai, who called for increased awareness that the ice is melting too fast and the climate is changing too quickly. Eating meat is the number one cause of global warming, was the message that she (conveyed) from the beginning to the end, in her answers to the questions asked from afar by some Veracruzan citizens…
‘So, we can have hope, because there are solutions in our hands,’ she said.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai : It’s just that we need to make the switch to the animal-free lifestyle now. Then everything will improve, life will be easier, and we can rest knowing that our children will have a future to look forward to.And I’m praying to all heavenly beings to help as well, to further accelerate the trend that we need, by manifesting themselves physically,to awaken the leaders, the media, the influential and ordinary citizens alike. So that our planet won’t look like Mars in the near future. So, prayer, combined with the efforts of citizens, and the governments and media’s powerful support, this formula could bring the fastest and smoothest transition to a stable planet.

VOICE: We appreciate “El Mundo de Orizaba” and other media reporting on climate change, as well as the Veracruz government for encouraging such events. We are grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her timely call for all world citizens to join the quickest action to stop global warming. May we each do our part to spread the veg trend, the surest way for Earth’s survival.

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