Animal Heroes of 2009   

Animal Heroes of 2009

We salute and honor the outstanding bravery and selflessness of these heroic animals in service to humans and other animals in 2009:

Prince the Border collie, England, UK

Prince the three-legged Border collie surrenders his life while protecting his human family and their home from being entered by strangers.

Rambo the Pomeranian, USA

Eight-year-old Pomeranian Rambo saves Sam Bourdon’s life by alerting Mrs. Bourdon to Sam’s collapse, then passes away a day after his safe return from the hospital.

Boston terrier, Florida, USA

A Boston terrier protects his human companion from further injury after she mistakenly allowed a stranger masquerading as a repairman into her home.

Chewbacca, Canada

The unusual behavior of 10-week old pug Chewbacca allows his family in Ontario to discover a basement fire early and get out safely.

Jack the terrier mix , USA

Jack the terrier mix is presented with the US Humane Society’s “People’s Choice” award for saving the life of 8-year-old Maya Pieters by alerting her parents to her first seizure and then shielding her falls and helping her recover many times since.

Lou the mule, Tennessee, USA

Lou the mule saves companion Jolene Solomon when his braying and unusual behavior causes her to notice that her house was on fire.

Heidi the dog, Michigan, USA

Heidi the dog saves Jack and Karan Hornbuckle by awakening Mr. Hornbuckle in time for him to dial 9-1-1 for their rescue from a carbon monoxide filled home .

Family dog and small canine Biff, USA

A family dog’s barking saves his human caretakers when he alerts them of a fire in their Florida home, while small canine Biff in California also awakens the four adults inside a blazing mobile home in time for their escape.

Klinker the Labrador, Maryland, USA

Klinker, a young black Labrador and a member of the US Department of Agriculture’s Apiary Inspectors team, detects a certain bacteria to save the lives of bees before it is fatal.

Joey the Labrador, USA

Joey the Labrador saves his human friend, 81-year-old Thaddeus Samborski of New York, USA, by remaining at his side for hours in freezing temperatures and barking to gain the attention of a neighbor.

Kirby the American mastiff, Illinois, USA

Kirby, an American mastiff, aided his injured human in returning home when she fell and broke her arm.

Buster the dog, Chicago, USA

Buster the dog’s persistence got the attention of Jeffrey Beilke after his wife experienced a stroke and fell to the floor, getting her the help she needed. 

Jeune Mark the horse, Australia

Jeune Mark the horse saved his human friend by knocking him over into the safety of a creek when they were surrounded by a wall of fire.

Tiger the dog, USA

Tiger the dog awakened Velma Boyd of North Carolina, who alerted her neighbor and the children, and both families escaped the fire in time.

Lucky the cocker spaniel, Tennessee, USA

Lucky the Cocker Spaniel awakened his human to a fire inside the apartment and was later rescued and revived by firefighters.

Lexi the dog, Canada

Lexi the family dog alerted her New Brunswick caregiver, Mr. Andrew Ronalds, of the fire in his home, enabling him to bring his two sons to safety; unfortunately, Lexi did not make it.

Jasmine the greyhound, UK

Jasmine, a rescued greyhound at the Nuneaton and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary in England, is a caring surrogate mother for arriving orphaned animals .

Duke the Labrador mix, USA

Duke the Labrador mix’s unusual barking alerts his human friend, Ellen Lurz of Maryland of a brush fire and prevents a major house fire.

Sidney the Jack Russell terrier and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, UK

Sidney the Jack Russell terrier, a former street dog and recipient of Hearing Dog of the Month for January 2009, trained by the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, becomes indispensable to hearing-impaired Emma Seeds in England.

Dogs in Maryland, USA

Dogs in Maryland, USA, donate blood to the Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank to save fellow canines’ lives.

Benson the Golden Retriever, New York, USA

Benson the Golden Retriever alerts his humans who in turn notify the neighboring family with two young children to safely leave their burning home.

Ace the German Shepherd mix, USA

German Shepherd mix Ace’s persistent barking saves 8 families from a burning building in Brooklyn, New York.

Cookie the Pomeranian puppy, Oklahoma, USA

Pomeranian puppy Cookie awakens Christine Ferrer, then leads her through thick smoke to safety outside her smoldering home.

Boris the boxer, England, UK

Boris the boxer finds Ms. Zoe Christie suffering from hyperthermia and stays by her side in the freezing cold until help arrives.

Sammy the border collie, California, USA

The barking of Sammy the Border collie saves his human companion and her housemates from a burning home.

Bunny the rabbit, England, UK

Bunny the rabbit’s persistent scratching at the bedroom door alerts her humans in time to escape a serious gas leak.

Toby the Labrador pup, UK

Toby the young Labrador of England suffers near-fatal knife wounds as he risks his life to protect his human family and chase away an intruder.

Blitz the pit bull, Michigan, USA

Blitz the pit bull prevents a kidnapping attempt by chasing away a woman’s aggressor.

Smigel the feline, Jordan

Smigel the cat adopts and nurtures four orphaned puppies.

Ranger the Boston terrier, USA

Specially trained Ranger the Boston terrier alerts a stranger of an impending stroke hours before it occurs, thus saving his life.

Chushla, a two-year-old Bedlington-Whippet mix, UK

Through her highly developed sense of smell, Chushla can detect and help her human avert potentially fatal hypoglycemic crises.

Dante, England, UK

Dante the cat of Tasburgh refuses meat and eats only organic vegetables and fruits.

Lakota Lou the Australian shepherd, USA

Australian shepherd Lakota Lou adopts and cares for four orphaned kittens in Washington, USA.

Zara the dog, UK

Zara the dog saves her two human family members from their burning home.

Jackson the Doberman pinscher, USA

Jackson the Doberman pinscher leads his New Jersey human caregiver to discover an ailing neighbor in need of help.

Paddy the horse, Australia

Paddy the horse in Victoria shelters six smaller farm animals under his body during a fire.

Unnamed dog, Terry Buhs, USA

Alerted by a dog, Terry Buhs of Illinois is able to save a little girl from drowning.

Ridley the Cairn terrier, Donna Shaver, and Stephen Kurtz, USA

Ridley the Cairn terrier, trained by Donna Shaver and Stephen Kurtz, helps save rare sea turtles in coastal Texas.

Riley the bulldog, USA

Riley the bulldog in New Jersey alerts his human family to a fire, leading them across the street before the house explodes.

European mistle thrush mom, UK

A mistle thrush mother bird puffs up her body to twice its normal size to protect her babies from flooding by rainwater.

Jazzy the Rottweiler, Canada

Rottweiler Jazzy of Nova Scotia nurses with her own milk three motherless kittens.

Mila the Beluga whale, China

Mila the Beluga whale brings a diver to the surface after she was paralyzed by Arctic waters.

Muffy the terrier, Australia

Muffy the terrier finds his way back home after being missing for nine years.

Da Tou the beagle, Formosa (Taiwan)

Da Tou the beagle is honored by the Kaohsiung City Fire Bureau for his alertness in preventing a fire and saving hundreds of lives.

Brittney the canine, USA

Brittney the canine awakens her human Scott Seymore in time for him to escape a house fire.

German shepherd Santo and Sergeant Mike Seymour, USA

German shepherd Santo helps partner Sergeant Mike Seymour of Florida locate and rescue three lost hearing-impaired hikers.

RaeLee the terrier, Tennessee, USA

The barking of newly adopted terrier RaeLee results in a human family member receiving lifesaving medical treatment.

Princess the Shih Tzu, California, USA

Princess the Shih Tzu canine adopts and nurtures an abandoned squirrel as one of her own.

Susie, the Greyhound mix

The insistent barking of Greyhound mix Susie of Swindon leads to the rescue of a neighbor’s missing kitten.

God bless these courageous and intelligent animals and many others that offer their unconditional help in untold ways. 

We thank you all, the cherished loving beings for your quiet sacrifice, service and unconditional love to fellow animals and humans.

Related Link
A-Z List of Animal Helpers
Worldwide Animal Communicators
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Helping to Save the Planet - Worldwide Environmental Organizations
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Les animaux héros de 2007
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Les coeurs en or de l'année 2007
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Les héros humain de l'année 2007
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  La liste des émissions
Des gens bien, de bonnes œuvres
Divertissement et sagesse
Entre Maître et disciples
L'élite végétarienne
Le monde des animaux
Le monde qui nous entoure
Le végétarisme : le mode de vie noble
Modèles de réussite
Musique et poésie
Notre noble origine
Nouvelles d'exception
Paroles de sagesse
Planète Terre : notre adorable foyer
Scène de cinéma
Science et spiritualité
Technologies de l'Âge d'Or
Un mode de vie sain
Un voyage à travers les royaumes esthétiques
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