Relief news update from China. - 30 Apr 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from China.
On April 14, the morning calm was broken by a powerful 6.9-magnitude that struck Yushu County in the southernmost Qinghai province. Over 2,000 lost their lives and 12,135 others suffered injuries as many buildings and homes collapsed.

Zhaxi'ema, survivor, 34-years-old: My husband was young. My son was only nine-years-old. They both died in the earthquake. I've lost everything. All of our belongings are buried under the debris and have not been dug out. Now I have to bring up these three children by myself. I'd rather die.

Suononbaji, survivor, 10-years-old: When the earthquake struck, I was in school. My parents died in our house. I had no place to go, so I've been living with my teacher these past few days. My food and clothes are provided by my teacher.

Though the Chinese government immediately responded with assistance, thousands were rendered homeless to endure the still-wintry weather and harsh cold winds.

Expressing her deep sorrow and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai donated US$15,000, requesting that our nearby Association members go to aid the most vulnerable, such as the orphaned and elderly without caregivers.

Combined with donations from our Association members, the total contribution of US$44,240 could acquire US$316,000 in emergency items bought in the United States, based on China's cost of living.

Covering their own travel expenses of approximately US$1,460, our Chinese Association members delivered urgent supplies to the affected areas. In accordance with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s request for updates,the following is a report from our Association's relief team.

Most Beloved Master,
Re: Earthquake in Qinghai We brought grains and vegetables from Xining to Yushu by car, driving 820 kilometers at altitudes of over 4,000 meters high.
At Yushu, we also served 1,500 warm vegan meals to the local victims, who had been suffering from temperatures that dipped below zero in the night.
Most of the relief goods they were receiving were instant food, so they were overjoyed to have hot meals. The local government and victims were deeply moved by Master’s assistance, and even used police cars to help us deliver the food.
Our Association members were there for two weeks. Though the conditions were very difficult, we are grateful for God’s blessing to let us stay with the victims and thank Master for giving us the opportunity to share our love with the people most in need.
Chinese relief team

Supreme Master Ching Hai replied as follows:
Thank you for bearing the harsh conditions to help our vulnerables.
May Heaven bless you and protect the victims in their troubled hours.

VOICE: We are thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for permitting us to bring these details to our viewers, as well as to our Association’s Foreign Group for providing this report.

Our appreciation, Chinese government and other personnel working to help the quake-stricken people. We also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional support, as well as for our Association relief team’s selfless service. Wishing the residents a swift return to stability as such damaging events are eased by our striving for gentler, eco-conscious lifestyles.
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