PLANETE TERRE: Notre adorable foyer
Restaurer l’équilibre de la nature : Dr Keith Allott du World Wildlife Fund (WWF)   

Welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home here on Supreme Master Television.

This week we will learn about the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)and the noble work this caring organization
is doing around the globe to benefit the lives of humans and animals alike.

The World Wildlife Fund was launched in November 1961 and has since grown rapidly, becoming one of the world's leading independent environmental organizations with projects in more than 90 countries.

This entity has been very active in addressing global warming. In October 2008 the World Wildlife Fund
published the report "Climate Change: Faster, Stronger, Sooner" that analyzed how a hotter planet would affect Europe.

Supreme Master Television recently met with Dr. Keith Allott,Head of Climate Change for the World Wildlife Fund - UK, a national organization that is part of WWF's global network, to find out more about what this document revealed.

For more about the World Wildlife Fund - UK, please visit

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