Brothers’ courageousness is honored - 23 May 2011  
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The New Zealand Fire Service presented Henare and Wiremu Ropata with Fire Service Bravery Awards for risking their lives to rescue a trapped boy from a burning home.

Upon hearing the youngster crying for help, the brothers crawled inside the house and managed to open the boy’s bedroom and take him to safety. Unfortunately, the boy’s mother, Ms. Deena Borrell, did not survive.

We are so sorry to hear of the loss of beautiful Ms. Deena Borrell, and pray she rests in God’s eternal embrace. Our heartfelt gratitude, Henare and Wiremu Ropata, for your outstanding bravery. May both you and the young life you saved be forever blessed by the Divine.

For their noble deed, Supreme Master Ching Hai is honoring Henare and Wiremu Ropata with the Shining World Hero Award.
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