Toddlers at higher risk of passive smoke danger - 10 Jan 2010  
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A US study co-led by Dr. John Bauer sponsored by the American Heart Association observed 52 toddlers and 107 youth aged 9 to 18 years. Results showed that both groups suffered harms such as blood vessel damage that increased with more exposure to secondhand smoke.

They also found that obese children in both groups were twice as likely to suffer such damage, which can lead to heart disease later in life. With the toddlers being four times more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke than adolescents, they also showed a 30% loss of a type of cell that helps repair and maintain
healthy blood vessel networks.

Dr. Bauer concluded that passive smoke inhalation is not just bad for respiratory problems, as indicated by previous research. It can also result in cardiovascular effects, leading to potential long-term damage.  
We thank Dr. Bauer and colleagues as well as the American Heart Association for this valued information. May we all awaken to the need to provide intoxicant-free atmospheres for the vibrant welfare of our precious young ones and all beings.
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