H.A.N.D.S On International - aider tous les pays par des actions et le service    1ère partie

HOST: Gentle viewers, welcome to today’s Good People, Good Works featuring H.A.N.D.S. (Helping All Nations in Deeds and Service) On International, a volunteer-based, non-profit charity in California, USA.

The organization was started by two caring individuals who wished to share love, friendship, hope and the word of God with the less fortunate in the cities of Bellflower and Los Angeles and elsewhere in the world.

Genesis Williams (f): I’m going to give you a hug,I’m going to give you food,I’m going to give you clothes and I’m going to sit on a blanket in the middle of a park and I’m going to talk to you.

It sparks something and that can turn into a flame in their life that desires change. And they move forward and we move with them.

HOST: Co-founded by devout Christian humanitarians Geoffrey Nighswonger and pastor Genesis Williams, who share a deep desire to help others, H.A.N.D.S. On International provides people with basic necessities such as food, clothing, tarps for shelter, hygiene supplies and even haircuts.

Geoffrey Nighswonger (m): H.A.N.D.S. On International stands for Helping Our Nations in Deeds and Services. We started about two years ago.

Genesis Williams (f): We just saw that there was a need in the community and we felt some people were being forgotten, and we saw a lot of people that just seemed to be losing hope. And we wanted to let them know that somebody cares about them, we wanted to let them know that we genuinely care.

We show them we care by showing up here every single Sunday, rain or shine. And we basically cook for them and we give away clothes and then we talk to them, and we hang out with them, and we just show them that we love them, and that we care about them, and that we’re here for them, and so nobody gets forgotten.

HOST: Each Sunday concerned local volunteers from all walks of life join Mr. Nighswonger and Ms. Williams in helping the disadvantaged.

For more details on H.A.N.D.S.
On Internationalplease visit

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