Viande et changement climatique dans les médias : un monde chaud et affamé   
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HOST: Hallo and welcome smart viewers.
Factory farms breed endless horrors. From the burning stench of filth to crowded immobilizing confinement, disease to mental breakdowns, farmed animals must bear the pain and distress 24 hours a day, all for the sake of human demand for meat.

But the inhumane terror of industrial-scale meat production spreads beyond the walls of factory farms to affect the very survival of our planet Earth.

The major US-based newspaper published an article written by Ezra Klein titled, “Is the Problem with Meat Simply Factory Farming?” on August 7, 2009.

Washington Post “Is the Problem With Meat Simply Factory Farming?”
By Ezra Klein
August 7, 2009
“The fact that industrial livestock production is worse than other forms of livestock production does not mean that meat is not a major contributor to global warming.

It means that there are ways to make it a somewhat smaller contributor to global warming. But even that would be tricky.

Cows are efficient at being cows. They are not very efficient at being food. When you grow an apple, the various inputs result in an apple tree and a lot of apples.

But a cow has a lot of parts, and does a lot of things, that aren't particularly related to becoming hamburger.
When you "grow" a steak, the various inputs first result in corn and grass and other types of food, and then
they are made into feed, and then they go to a cow to help it develop bones and eyes and skin and to help it breathe and move and live.

Raising food to feed to a less efficient form of food doesn't maximize available resources.”

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