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Pourquoi nous aimons les chiens, mangeons les cochons et portons la peau des vaches ! une interview avec le Dr Melanie Joy, partie 1 / 2    1ère partie
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Hallo, thoughtful viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Why do we love some types of animals and treat them as family members and willingly consume the flesh of others?

On today's program we’ll meet Dr. Melanie Joy of the United States, a social psychologist, university professor and vegan who has spent nearly a decade studying the psychology behind the belief system she calls 『carnism,』 which conditions us to eat some animals but not others.

Dr. Joy holds a Master's Degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, USA and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Saybrook Graduate School, USA, and is currently a professor at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA.

She has written extensively on psychology, animal advocacy and social justice and is the leading expert on the ideology behind meat production and consumption.  In her latest book, 『Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism,』 Dr. Joy examines the inconsistent, illogical mental and emotional links between humans and animals.

For more information on Dr. Melanie Joy, please visit Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows: An Introduction to Carnism is available at

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