Dieu, les animaux et nous : le Dr Rainer Hagencord et l’Institut de zoologie théologique partie 1 / 2 (en allemand)   
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Greetings,benevolent viewers. Today we would like to introduce Reverend Dr. Rainer Hagencord, a theologian, natural scientist,and co-founder of the Institute of  Theological Zoology in Muenster, Germany.

The Institute of Theological Zoology is a one-of-a-kind organization that scientifically approaches the appreciation of animals within the field of theology. 
Supreme Master TV : Dr. Hagencord,you are a theologian and biologist. What led to this combination? 
H (m):Initially, I studied theology and then have been working in the community as a priest.     
And after this time I looked for a new orientation for me and came back to my old interest, the field of biology. 

And I really noticed, what relevance behavioral biology has, the findings of behavioral biology have, for a theological consideration of human,of the role of human  in the creation.
The big questions: What does man have, what do animals not have? Because of this, I revisited anew theological literature to ascertain: Are the animals mentioned at all?  Or does theology still argue like humans have been fallen from the skies…    

in spite of the clarification of behavioral biology that thinking, feeling, self-awareness, ability to build a culture, all that, is well present in the animal kingdom.  
Charles Darwin said: The differences between human and animal are quantitative, but not qualitative.  And for me, this is basically one of the greatest insights that is relevant for anthropology, but of course also for ethics.    

For me, as a theologian,as a man of the church, these are two important fields in which I see enormous need for action, also within the church.  

Rev. Dr. Rainer Hagencord’s book On This Side of Eden is available at www.Amazon.de

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