Jean Fennell, à l’écoute des chiens – partie 1 / 2   
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2ème partie Play with windows media ( 32 MB )

Jan Fennel(f):  I think if they could speak to us in words, I think they’d just say, “listen to me.”

HOST: Halo, kind viewers, and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. On today's program, we meet Jan Fennell, a renowned dog trainer from the United Kingdom.

During her more than 20 years of working with and observing canines, she has learned to deeply understand their values and innate wisdom. Author of the international bestselling book, “The Dog Listener – Learning the Language of your Best Friend”, Jan travels around the globe, offering consultations and courses on developing harmonious relationships with our furry companions.

In working with dogs and their caregivers, Jan Fennell has developed a novel technique which she calls “Amichien.”

Jan Fennell (f): Communication in a relationship is more than just words. It’s a bond. And Amichien is taken from the French, "ami" meaning "friend", and "chien" meaning "dog". So it’s "friend of the dog". And it also showed that it’s just another language. Just as French is another language, German,
Dutch, it doesn’t matter.

For more information on Jan Fennell, please visit:

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