L’Élite Végétarienne Un monde nouveau avec l’acteur Joël Legendre – partie 1 / 2 (en français)   
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Joël Legendre : I always told myself that I wanted to inspire people.

Faithful viewers, welcome to Vegetarian Elite! Today and next week, we have the honor of introducing, quite possibly, the most famous vegetarian actor in all of Québec, Mr. Joël Legendre. In our special 2-part program, Mr. Legendre chats with us about how he got his charming good looks…

Joël Legendre: And the day I stopped eating meat, all that disappeared. I became a tall, good looking, amazing young man!

Realizing his dream through hosting “Opération Enfant Soleil” telethon for the last 10 years…

Joël Legendre : And the first time I was on the set of Opération Enfant Soleil, I said, “I am doing exactly what I wanted. I am a comedian-missionary.”
And what Joël Legendre’s perfect world would be like…

Joël Legendre: A whole new world A new fantastic point of view

Deeply devoted as a parent and a champion for children’s charities, it is fitting that Mr. Legendre’s rise to fame began with hosting popular children television shows. Since then, he has starred in numerous other television shows and theater productions including “My Fair Lady” and “Grease.” He recently hosted four consecutive years of the highly rated reality TV show “Occupation Double,” with ongoing endeavors hosting the weekly TV talkshow “Le Téléphone” and a gameshow called “Paquet Voleur.”

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  La liste des émissions
Des gens bien, de bonnes œuvres
Divertissement et sagesse
Entre Maître et disciples
L'élite végétarienne
Le monde des animaux
Le monde qui nous entoure
Le végétarisme : le mode de vie noble
Modèles de réussite
Musique et poésie
Notre noble origine
Nouvelles d'exception
Paroles de sagesse
Planète Terre : notre adorable foyer
Scène de cinéma
Science et spiritualité
Technologies de l'Âge d'Or
Un mode de vie sain
Un voyage à travers les royaumes esthétiques
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