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La loi du karma : compilation des conférences du Maître Suprême Ching Hai   
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Through her boundless compassion for humanity, for over twenty years Supreme Master Ching Hai tirelessly traveled to many corners of the world to share the message of love and eternal liberation through God’s gift to mankind, the Quan Yin Method of meditation.

Following is a collection of excerpts that will guide us to the path of eternal liberation. We now invite you to listen to the following compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s excerpted lectures entitled “The Law of Karma.”

Excerpted from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Discussion “It’s Rare to Have a Human Body” Paris, France – December 2007

The humans, before they came down to this world, they all promise that “I will walk the way of God. I will walk the way of love.

I will correct my mistakes from the past life. I won’t do that again. I definitely will not! I will do the opposite. I will do good, I will be generous, I will be kind, I will be compassionate. I will do this, I will be a hero of humans and animals. I will lay down my life for the needy, for the weak and the small, for the animals even.” But, when they come down here – forgot. And the force of the previous bad karma comes pounding upon them also, together with the fixed bad karma (retribution) of this lifetime.

The fixed bad karma (retribution)  of this lifetime is the one they are born with.

They have to pick up some bad karma (retribution) to be born with. That’s the price they have to pay to be a human. They have to struggle to be good. It’s not easy for them – they’re just born and then everything there, and then they have enough wealth, they have enough strength, and they have just… unchangeable compassion and then they will always do good, and they will always part with their money easily. It’s not like that.

They have to pay the price. That is, struggling with the obstacles that they’re born with, with the bad karma (retribution) that they’re born with, with what they did in the last life – that comes back onto them and they have to struggle against that, to do the opposite.

Many fail, miserably, and then have to come again, promise again, but this time redoubled.

The bad karma (retribution)  of the past life and the life now will come back on them in the next future life. It’ll be harder and harder all the time. So, you see how poor the human is. And if they don’t have any guide to show them, to remind them, to support them, mentally and physically, and spiritually, and the congregation of saintly people who have the same goal, same-minded, then they fail miserably.

Many people fail – you see? – give in to the force of bad karma (retribution), of the mind. Very difficult.

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