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Esprit communautaire : la compassion à la Animal Welfare League of Queensland – partie 1 / 2   
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Welcome, divine viewers, to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.
Today, we’re going to the Gold Coast, a city in the state of Queensland, Australia to visit the non-profit Animal Welfare League of Queensland, a caring shelter for dogs and cats.

Let us begin by speaking with the League’s Strategic Development Officer Ms. Joy Verrinder about the group’s history and activities.

Joy (f):The Animal Welfare League was founded in 1959 by a group of dedicated citizens. They started as a very small group of people, rattling cans on street corners with little dogs and raising awareness amongst the public.

And from there, the Animal Welfare League has grown into an organization that now employs over 120 people and has about 500 volunteers, and takes in 10,000 stray and abandoned cats and dogs a year plus a number of other animals if needed like horses and sheep and goats and so on.

HOST: The League strongly believes that in working with the community to end the practice of euthanasia in pounds and shelters.

For more details on the Animal Welfare League of Queensland, please visit

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