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ARRETER LA CRUAUTE ENVERS LES ANIMAUX Grippe porcine : Elevages meurtriers = Virus mortel.   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

Benevolent viewers, welcome to Animal World: Out Co-Inhabitants. On this episode of the Stop Animal Cruelty series we examine the origins of the swine flu that is causing pain, suffering and loss of loved ones around the globe.

The 1918 flu pandemic killed 100 million people worldwide. This tragedy echoes in the minds of public health experts dealing with the swine flu today.

In November 2008, well before this devastating flu epidemic, mycologist Paul Stamets of the United States, an advisor to the University of Arizona College of Medicine, USA, spoke to Supreme Master Television about the threat of a global pandemic arising from the raising of pigs.  

Paul Stamets:  This is the scariest scenario that most virologists are extremely concerned about: A pig and a bird will infect a pig, both with flu viruses.

In the pig then the flu viruses can recombine and that pig then can have a novel virus that will spread human to human.

It’s not just likely, it’s extremely probable that pandemic flu will go human to human in the next ten years. This is the biggest threat to the “bio security”  of nations throughout the entire world!

The H1N1 swine flu strain descended from a virus first isolated in 1998 on a pig factory farm in North Carolina, USA. The H1N1 strain is a combination of bird, pig and human flu viruses.

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